[Vision2020] in case y'all missed it -- Gritman ER flood

Dan Carscallen areaman at moscow.com
Mon May 7 06:34:55 PDT 2007

'twas quite an interesting Saturday to be a volunteer Firefighter/EMT in

Some dorkus malorkus evidently had a hit-and-run with a motorcycle, then
while fleeing that scene hit the fire hydrant that is just to the south
of the ambulace bay at Gritman.  The water then flooded down into the
ambulance bay and into the ER.  My wife and I, along with several other
firefighters and EMTs (and a few passers by) spent a good 3-4 hours
armed with squeegees helping to get the water out and turned it over to
the flood damage professionals.  

The story from Sunday's Trib follows, and this morning's article after


May 6, 8:06 PM EDT

N. Idaho emergency room forced to shut down 

MOSCOW, Idaho (AP) -- The emergency room closed at a hospital here when
18 inches of water flooded the area after a car hit a fire hydrant near
the hospital's ambulance bay.

The radiology department, admitting area and same-day surgery center at
Gritman Medical Center also closed Saturday when water, mud, gravel and
landscaping bark entered the building.

"From the time the person hit the hydrant, in less than five minutes we
had a foot and a half of water," Pat Riley, the hospital's emergency
director, told the Lewiston Tribune.

Kara Besst, chief financial officer of the hospital, did not immediately
have a damage estimate.

Emergency patients were diverted to hospitals in Pullman, Wash., and
Lewiston. The emergency room was up and running again on Sunday.

Assistant Police Chief David Duke said 21-year-old Daniel Raymond
Valasek of Moscow lost control of the 2001 Mitsubishi Eclipse he was
driving and slid into the hydrant.

Duke said Valasek left the scene but was later arrested for
investigation of driving under the influence.
Emergency room at Moscow hospital reopens after mishap

Monday, May 7, 2007

MOSCOW - The emergency room at Gritman Medical Center reopened and the
hospital is seeing all patients. 

The ER and much of the first floor of the hospital closed Saturday
afternoon when a motorist hit a fire hydrant near the ambulance bay. The
accident sent water, mud, gravel and other debris rushing into the

The ER was relocated to the hospital's outpatient clinic and officials
were able to reopen in the new location by late evening, said Jen
Pfiffner, marketing director for the medical center. 

"The water has been cleared out, repairs have begun and we are seeing
all patients," she said. 

Patients were diverted to emergency rooms in Pullman and Lewiston during
the shut down. 

A damage estimate was not available Sunday but workers have already
begun to remove items damaged by the water. 

"We are looking at everything and seeing what needs to be repaired as
far as the structure itself and equipment," she said. 

A 21-year-old Moscow man who allegedly hit the hydrant was arrested for
allegedly driving under the influence.

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