[Vision2020] School Administration and Oversight (from the BLog)

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Sat Mar 24 20:21:00 PDT 2007

>From Dale Courtney's BLog -


# re: School District Administration and Oversight 
Saturday, March 24, 2007 7:12 PM by Dave 
Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Tom Hansen can only react badly,

It's a shame he can't analyze too.

Tom obviously went to government schools and fails to realize that official
reports to the legislature use historic data.  That data is the only valid,
official, Idaho authorized data for school district oversight.  We know that
since the School District Administration and Oversight report was issued in
2004, a follow-up report was issued in 2006 but it did not update the data.
Tom, this is an Idaho OPE report using the official Idaho data.  It is not
Courtney's data as you inaccurately think.

We also know that since 2004, MSD enrollment has decreased and MSD
administration has increased.  That would make the 2004 report's comments
and advice even more compelling and would indicate that MSD must cut

MSD is bloated.  This levy is unneeded.  It will fund additional bloat and
not help MSD students.

Since Tom is so incensed about using old data, maybe he will convince MSD to
give him the current data.  Then he can compute it on Monday when he is
working at the UofI and post it on Vision 2020 using his UofI computer.
After all, Tom was the 2006 Right-Mind Number 1 Reader.  I'm sure President
White wouldn't object at all since we need to keep the UofI Number 1 in


Dave utters:

"We know that since the School District Administration and Oversight report
was issued in 2004, a follow-up report was issued in 2006 but it did not
update the data.  Tom, this is an Idaho OPE report using the official Idaho
data.  It is not Courtney's data as you inaccurately think."

Well, then, Davey.  Since you (and Dale Courtney, I suppose) are aware that
"a follow-up report was issued in 2006 but it did not update the data," - -

One question:  Why didn't he/you/somebody/anybody submit a Public records
Request, like the one that Dale Courtney talks about on his "Public Info"
page at:


If he/you/somebody/anybody had submitted a Public Records Request (a process
of which I know Mr. Courtney is very familiar) to MSD (or the Idaho State
Board of Education) a while back, his data wouldn't be so old, now would it?

Really, Davey.  That's all it takes. 

When you realize that it is really late (with the polls opening in less than
72 hours), it really is kinda lame to blame it on bureaucracy when you
simply didn't do your homework.

Now, off with you, Davey, and let the adults at the computer for a while,

Seeya at the polls, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

"I think one of the best ways to support education is to make successful
private schools like Logos prosper through tax exemption."

- Donovan Arnold (July 11, 2005)

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