[Vision2020] More Detail from the Daily News (was They've Been Found :-) (was RE: alert)

Saundra Lund sslund at roadrunner.com
Fri Mar 23 14:46:42 PDT 2007

I'm not sure why the time isn't updating, but here's a little more

NEWS ALERT UPDATE: Moscow police locate two missing children

Staff report

Friday, March 23, 2007 - Page Updated at 12:37:56 PM

Two children reported missing from Lena Whitmore Elementary School in Moscow
have been located.

The Moscow Police Department confirmed Friday at about 2:30 p.m. that
Christina Coats, 9, and Stephen Henderson, 9, had been found and reunited
with their parents.

The children were found uninjured by a passing motorist near the corner of
Idlers Rest and Shultz roads about four miles north of Moscow.

Assistant Police Chief David Duke said the children were walking when the
motorist recognized them from a flier issued by the police department. The
flier included pictures and descriptions of the children.

Moscow police had been searching for the two Moscow elementary school
students who were reported missing Friday morning.

Coats, a fourth-grader, and Henderson, a third-grader, reportedly left Lena
Whitmore Elementary School in the 100 block of South Blaine Street at
approximately 8:30 a.m. and headed north from the playground on foot.

Duke said earlier Friday that the students were last seen about 8:45 a.m.
near the Eggan Youth Center, located at 1515 East D Street. Duke said police
recovered both of their coats and a backpack at the center.

Duke had said police did not believe foul play was involved.

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