[Vision2020] Courtney's Numbers (was: Biblical question)(was: Obama the 'Mag

heirdoug at netscape.net heirdoug at netscape.net
Wed Mar 21 14:15:06 PDT 2007

I was just wondering, now that you bring it up, did you ever ask forgiveness for trespassing on a Sunday last year?
Which begs the question, Doug - when ya gonna start practicing what you and 
Doug W preach or is that reserved for just the others of us out here who 
believe in the REAL Jesus/God?

And isn't it OUR trespassers that we are supposed to be praying about - not 
those we PERCEIVE to have trespassed against God?  I mean, isn't God a big 
enough god to take care of His own trespassers without us praying for their 

Just wondering.

J  :]
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