[Vision2020] [Spam] Gardening

Chris Storhok cstorhok at co.fairbanks.ak.us
Mon Mar 19 10:23:55 PDT 2007

Hi J:
Hope all is well in warm Idaho....
We used to garden a lot when we lived in Moscow (as you may imagine we
have had to cut back a bit in North Pole)

Strawberries, the best local source is the nursery out in Potlatch,
their varieties were by far superior to anything I ever bought form nay
store or grower in Moscow.  We would usually purchase root stock from
them in April, plant right away and enjoy the results in June.  If I
remember right it was called Fiddler's Ridge.   
They also sold some grape varieties that were really good for Moscow; we
had such good production from a couple of Minnesota and Vermont

Grass...go by some zeolite (I used Bear River brand) and broadcast over
your yard at about 1 lb/5 sq. yards.  Zeolite binds and then slowly
releases water as well as any fertilizer (I used the cheap fertilizer
from Tri-State).  I used a seed mix that I purchased from Fiddler's
Ridge as well, all of the seed was from local sources.

Tomatoes...A lot of our friends used to call us the tomato family, our
usual production from a single row (10 feet long) of Roma's was around
40lb (we are getting close up here but have problems with ripening).  We
started our Roma's, beef, big girls, and any other varieties well felt
like (it depended on how much salsa my wife needed to make in any given
year) now and planted rather mature plants after Memorial day (usually
the first week of June)....talk about something we had to get used to in
a hurry, in North Pole we are planting a week before Memorial day...)

Moscow is one of the best gardening towns on earth (but North Pole is
not far behind)

Chris S. 

-----Original Message-----
From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com
[mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com] On Behalf Of lfalen
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 9:03 AM
To: J Ford; vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] [Spam] Gardening

Jon Decter at Crossroads Nursery or Rachal Rausch at the County
Extension office should be aboe to answer your questions.
-----Original message-----
From: "J Ford" privatejf32 at hotmail.com
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2007 19:10:02 -0700
To: vision2020 at moscow.com
Subject: [Spam] [Vision2020] Gardening

> Gonna change the subject just a mite right now:
> Anyone have any idea when this year is the best time to start planting
> home garden?  I am looking to start a new line of strawberries (from a
> grower or one I order from) but I am not sure when I should get them
in the 
> ground.
> Also, has anyone had any luck with growing tomatoes in Moscow?  Or
> Do you augment the soil or just use what's in your yard?  And how do
you get 
> grass to grow in this town?  I have not had much luck with that -
mayhap I 
> need to get a certain seed?
> J  :]
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