[Vision2020] Moscow City Council Monday Agendas

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Thu Mar 15 20:15:25 PDT 2007




Monday, March 19, 2007
3:00-4:30 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor

1.                              Approval of Minutes of February 26, 2007
- Stephanie Kalasz 


2.                              Surplus Item for Spring Auction - David
Duke / Jackie Lovell

Auction found/surplus items to be sold at auction or destroyed.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of declaring items on list surplus or take
such other action deemed appropriate.


3.                              Saucony Grant Request - Todd Davis

Staff is requesting approval to proceed with the application of $10,000
grant from Saucony Shoe Company.  Application deadline is March 30th,
2007 for the May award cycle.  If awarded, the grant will provide funds
for a youth triathlon event and club.  This Grant is a Gift Awarded
Grant.  No matching funds required.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the grant application; or recommend
denial of the grant application; or take such other action deemed


4.                              Energy Efficiency Agreement with Avista
for City Hall Window Replacement - Roger Blanchard

This winter 31 windows are being replaced on the third floor of City
Hall.  Staff coordinated with Avista Utilities on the replacement of the
windows insuring that we would qualify for their incentive program for
implementing energy efficiency measures.  Staff recently received an
energy efficiency agreement that would entitle the City to an incentive
payment of approximately $751 for the window work.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the Agreement; or recommend denial of the
Agreement; or take such other action deemed appropriate.


5.                              Proposed Revisions to Large Scale Retail
Ordinance - Andrew Ackerman/Bill Belknap

The Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing on February 28,
2007, in order to discuss recommended changes to the existing Large
Retail Establishments (LRE) Ordinance. At the hearing, the Commission
discussed recommendations made by two Code amendment subcommittees that
had been tasked with drafting language relating to: 1.) LRE's that go
vacant or are abandoned for long periods of time ("Dark Store"
Committee) and 2.) Setting limits on the overall size (square footage)
of individual LRE's ("Size Cap" Committee). The recommendations of the
subcommittees are summarized in the staff memo dated 2-23-07. After
taking a large amount of public testimony, the Planning & Zoning
Commission deliberated and approved a recommendation to Council that the
entirety of the "Dark Store" language be added to the LRE ordinance as
well the following select items from the "Size Cap" committee: amend the
definition of LRE Category 1 and Category 2 to be based on gross floor
area, rather than the existing projected roof area thereby eliminating
those partially covered or outdoor storage areas from the LRE size
calculation; increase the threshold for application of the LRE code
(from 10% to 30% of the existing sq. ft.) when expanding an existing LRE
Category 1 or Category 2 (omit reference to 10,000 sq. ft. expansion);
split Category 2 into subcategories A and B so that amount of parking
area proposed with a LRE serves as a measure for determining when to
require the full design manual standards. The Commission did not
recommend imposing a size cap on the overall size of retail


ACTION:  Forward Planning and Zoning Commission recommendation to
Council for public hearing.


6.                              RESOLUTION FOR SETTING PUBLIC HEARING

The City Public Works Department has worked for the past several years
on the design and construction of Phase 4 of the City of Moscow Waster
Treatment Plant.  This Phase 4 is designed to reduce phosphorus levels
in the effluent in order to comply with the City's National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit issued by the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) and complies with the requirements of the State
of Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).  Previous City
Council presentations have been made relating to the approval of the
design and the authorization to proceed.  The financing of Phase 4 has
been contemplated in the setting of sewer rates pursuant to the City's
Utility Rate Study completed in 2005 and reviewed in 2006-07.  Because
of the necessity of meeting compliance requirements, it is necessary to
begin the financing process at this time.  In order to obtain financing
for the Phase 4 project, Article VIII, Section III of the Idaho
Constitution requires that any obligation which extends beyond a single
budget year must be either pursuant to voter approval or be determined
to be an "ordinary and necessary expense".  The attached Resolution sets
the date of April 16, 2007 as the date for a public hearing to be held
prior to proceeding to Idaho District Court for a determination that the
Phase 4 improvements are "ordinary and necessary".  This process is the
same process followed by the City in obtaining authorization for
issuance of revenue bonds to finance the Phase 3 improvements to the
wastewater treatment plant several years ago. 


ACTION:  Recommend approval of Resolution setting public hearing on
Judicial Confirmation or take such other action deemed appropriate.



Zoning Summit Report - Kit Craine

Cable TV Franchise Report - Randy Fife


Future Agenda Items

PUD Code - Bill Belknap (2/26)

Subdivision Code - Bill Belknap/Les MacDonald (2/26)

Parks and Recreation Background Checks Proposal - Dwight Curtis

Health & Environment Commission Proposed Resolution Regarding
Sustainable Purchasing Practices (Relative to ESRP Assessment) - Mayor
Chaney (2/26)

City Data Distribution Policy Discussion - Les MacDonald (2/26)


NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so
that arrangements may be made.







Monday, March 19, 2007
7:00 p.m.

City Hall Council Chambers

 206 East Third Street, Second Floor

The Moscow Mayor, City Council and Staff welcome you to tonight's
meeting.  We appreciate and encourage public participation.  For regular
agenda items, an opportunity for public comment is sometimes provided
after the staff report.  However, the formality of procedures varies
with the purpose and subject of the agenda item; therefore, the Mayor
may exercise discretion in deciding when to allow public comment during
the course of the proceedings and limitations will be placed on the time
allowed for comments.  Citizens wishing to comment on business which is
not on the agenda will be provided the opportunity to do so as item
number 2.  If you plan to address the Council, you will find a list of
"Tips for Addressing the Council" on the table outside the City Council
Chambers.  Thank you for your interest in City government.


RENEWING OUR FOCUS - At each meeting, one City Council member will
present an example of patriotism, humanitarianism, community spirit, or
other inspirational message.  Contact a Council-member with examples to
share at future meetings.


1.       Consent Agenda:  Any item will be removed from the consent
agenda at the request of any member of the Council and that item will be
considered separately later.  Approval by roll call vote.


A.     Approval of Minutes of March 5, 2007 - Stephanie Kalasz


B.     Disbursement Report for February 2007 - Don Palmer

The Public Works Finance Committee reviewed the accounts payable for
February 2007 and recommend approval of the following:






HUD Reserve


Parks & Rec


1912 Center




Water Fund


Sewer Fund




Fleet Mgmt Fund


Water Capital


Sewer Capital Projects


Capital Projects


LID Construction


Hamilton P&R


Bond & Interest


LID Special Assessment


LID Guaranty





C.     Saucony Grant Request - Todd Davis

Staff is requesting approval to proceed with the application of $10,000
grant from Saucony Shoe Company.  Application deadline is March 30th,
2007 for the May award cycle.  If awarded, the grant will provide funds
for a youth triathlon event and club.  This Grant is a Gift Awarded
Grant.  No matching funds required.  Reviewed by the Administrative
Committee on March 19, 2007.


ACTION:  Approve grant application.


D.     Surplus Items for Auction

Auction found/surplus items to be sold at auction or destroyed.
Reviewed by the Administrative Committee on March 19, 2007.


ACTION:  Declare items on attached list surplus.


E.      Energy Efficiency Agreement with Avista for City Hall Window
Replacement - Roger Blanchard

This winter 31 windows are being replaced on the third floor of City
Hall.  Staff coordinated with Avista Utilities on the replacement of the
windows insuring that we would qualify for their incentive program for
implementing energy efficiency measures.  Staff recently received an
energy efficiency agreement that would entitle the City to an incentive
payment of approximately $751 for the window work.  Reviewed by the
Administrative Committee on March 19, 2007.


ACTION:  Approve the Agreement with Avista.


F.      Tiempo Commons Monumentation Agreement - Les MacDonald

Another Way Enterprises, L.L.C., a Washington State Corporation, is the
owner of the recently approved Tiempo Commons Subdivision.   The
interior lot corners will not be set until after the earthwork has been
completed, most likely late next year.  An agreement obligating the
establishment of these interior corners is necessary as per State Code.
Both the final plat and the Development Agreement were previously
approved by Council.  Reviewed by the Public Works/ Finance Committee on
March 12, 2007.


ACTION:  Approve Monumentation Agreement.


G.     Taylor Lot Line Adjustment - Andrew Ackerman

Mark & Joanna Taylor own two adjacent properties at 714 Mabelle St. and
715 E. Lewis St. and wish to adjust the lot lines such that the Mabelle
St. property would extend north, taking in an existing garage that faces
Lewis St. The adjustment would increase the Mabelle lot by 3,358 sq. ft.
and reduce the Lewis St. lot by the same amount. The property is located
in the Medium Density Residential (R-3) Zoning District that has a
minimum lot size of 6,000 sq. ft. The new lots would exceed the minimum
lot size and meet setbacks of the R-3 District. The reconfiguration of
the two lots would not result in any non-conformities with either the
Zoning Code or the Subdivision Code.  Reviewed by the Public
Works/Finance Committee on March 12, 2007.


            ACTION:  Approve lot line adjustment.


2.       Public Comment and Mayor's Response Period (limit 15 minutes)
- For members of the Public to speak to the Council regarding matters
NOT on the Agenda and not currently pending before the Planning and
Zoning Commission or Board of Adjustment, please state your name and
address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes.  Mayor will
respond to comments from previous meeting.


3.       Lande Lane Lot Adjustment and Division - Andrew Ackerman

This proposal is a revised from the originally submitted lot division
that was presented to Public Works/Finance on December 11, 2006.  The
newly proposed division would create three (3) building lots from the
existing two (2) and dedicate additional right-of-way allowing Lande
Lane to be extended northward on the property, including construction of
a City standard cul-de-sac, paved roadway with curb and sidewalk, and
public pathway within the easement that bisects the property in a
north-south alignment.  The property is located in the Moderate Density
Single Family Residential (R-2) Zoning District that has a minimum lot
size of 7,000 sq. ft.  The new lots would exceed the minimum lot size
and allow for adequately sized building envelopes as well as creating a
paved cul-de-sac at the north end of Lande Lane allowing for adequate
emergency and service truck turn-a-around.  Finally a portion of the
original Lot 1, Blk B (approx. 2,800 sq. ft.) would become, through the
adjustment of the eastern lot line, part of the Irene Johnson property.
The reconfiguration of the original lots would not result in any
non-conformities with either the Zoning Code or the Subdivision Code and
permit much needed public improvements.  The Public Works/Finance
Committee reviewed this on March 12, 2007 and recommended approval of
the plans to the full Council. The water drainage issue that was
determined to be a concern of neighbors during the Public Works/Finance
Committee's review of this subject matter has been resolved by the
addition of a storm drain system along the east side of Lande Lane
connecting to Highland Drive storm drain system.  It is anticipated that
the area drainage will actually be improved with the inclusion this
storm drain system. 


ACTION:  Approve the lot line adjustment and division; or reject the lot
line adjustment and division; or take such other action deemed


4.       Public Hearing - Hites Rezone - Andrew Ackerman

On February 2nd 2007, the Planning and Zoning Commission conducted a
public hearing and recommended approval of the request by the owners of
113 and 123 Styner Ave. to rezone their property from Neighborhood
Business (NB) to Multi-Family Residential (R-4).  The Planning and
Zoning Commission concurred with staff that the Neighborhood Business
District is not ideal at this particular location and that adequate
amounts of more appropriately located NB zoned lands are in close
proximity.  The property at 123 Styner Ave. has historically been mixed
use, a laundromat with an apartment above.  The property at 113 is fully
built out as multi-family apartments and parking at a density and type
that would only be permitted in an R-4 Zone.


ACTION:  After conducting public hearing, approve the Ordinance under
suspension of the rules requiring three complete and separate readings
and that it be read and published by title only; or consider the
Ordinance on first reading and that it be read by title only; or reject
the Ordinance; or take such other action deemed appropriate.


5.       Clarification of New Saint Andrews Temporary CUP Conditions -
Randy Fife

It is the opinion of NSA that it is no longer limited to one hundred
fifty (150) FTE students because NSA has met and exceeded the parking
mitigation requirement (condition no. 3) of the 9/13/06 Temporary CUP.
It is the opinion of staff that Council intended that the NSA Temporary
CUP limits NSA to one hundred fifty (150) FTE students unless and until
the Council approves a permanent CUP for NSA, and that the permanent CUP
is preconditioned upon NSA's providing forty two (42) parking spaces.
Staff wishes Council's clarification on the meaning of language
contained in the NSA Temporary CUP relative to the provision of the
forty two (42) parking spaces.


      ACTION:  Clarify for Staff the meaning of the language contained
in the NSA Temporary CUP relative to the provision of forty two (42)
parking spaces.


6.       New Saint Andrews Sixth Month Report - Anne Clapperton

The NSA Temporary CUP requires, in part, that NSA "provide a report
every six (6) months to the Community Development Department to document
progress in achieving the required mitigation of forty two (42) parking
stalls and any other activities New Saint Andrew's College undertakes to
mitigate its use of downtown parking" and requires distribution of the
report to Mayor, Council, and relevant City Staff.         


ACTION:  Accept the NSA six month CUP report.



7.       Resolution for Setting Public Hearing for Judicial Confirmation
of Financing for Necessary Improvements to the Wastewater Treatment
Plant-Don Palmer/Gary Riedner/Les MacDonald

The City Public Works Department has worked for the past several years
on the design and construction of Phase 4 of the City of Moscow Waster
Treatment Plant. This Phase 4 is designed to reduce phosphorus levels in
the effluent in order to comply with the City's National Pollutant
Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit issued by the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) and complies with the requirements of the State
of Idaho Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ).   Previous City
Council presentations have been made relating to the approval of the
design and the authorization to proceed. Because of the necessity of
meeting compliance requirements, it is necessary to begin the financing
process at this time.  In order to obtain financing for the Phase 4
project, Article VIII, Section III of the Idaho Constitution requires
that any obligation which extends beyond a single budget year must be
either pursuant to voter approval or be determined to be an "ordinary
and necessary expense". The attached resolution sets the date of April
16, 2007 as the date for a public hearing to be held prior to proceeding
to Idaho District Court for a determination that the Phase 4
improvements are "ordinary and necessary".  This process is the same
process followed by the City in obtaining authorization for issuance of
revenue bonds to finance the Phase 3 improvements to the wastewater
treatment plant several years ago. This matter was reviewed by
Administrative Committee on March 19, 2007.


ACTION:  Approve Resolution setting public hearing on Judicial
Confirmation or take such other action deemed appropriate.



            Administrative Committee

            Public Works/Finance Committee

            Other Boards & Commissions



EXECUTIVE SESSION - Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 67-2345(1)

Stephanie Kalasz

Moscow City Clerk




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