lfalen lfalen at turbonet.com
Wed Mar 7 12:30:04 PST 2007

I though some of you might be interested in this. This is a good example of what can be accomplished when diverse interests work together to solve problems. This is of special interest to be because this is where I was raised. Our ranch was in the middle of this area. We owned a section of land on the North Fork of the Owyhee River. Our main rach was on Juniper creek, 6 miles nown from the summit of South Mountain..The rimrocked canyons of the three branches of the Owyhee are really spectacular. There are no power lines into this area. however some ranchers have there own generator.
-----Original message-----

From: "Crapo News Release \(Crapo\)" newsclips at crapo.senate.gov
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2007 12:21:39 -0800

Week of March 11, 2007 	        		      Laura Thurston
Goodroe (202) 224-7500

  	Guest opinion submitted by Idaho Senator Mike Crapo

Management of the Owyhee Canyonlands has been characterized by decades
of conflict with heated political and regulatory battles.  Diverse land
uses co-exist in an area of intense beauty and unique character.  The
conflict over land management is both inevitable and understandable--how
do we manage for diversity and do so in a way that protects and restores
the quality of that fragile environment?  

In this context, the Owyhee County Commissioners and several others said
"enough is enough" and decided to focus efforts on solving problems
rather than wasting resources on a continued fight.  

On March 7, I introduced the Owyhee Initiative Implementation Act of
2007.  Over the past six years, we've come a long way.  In 2001, the
Owyhee County Commissioners requested my help; last August, the Owyhee
Initiative Work Group presented its final product which I introduced as
legislation at that time.  Now, with the support of my colleagues, I
look forward to moving it through the Senate in the 110th Congress.  

The Work Group, which represents all interests with a role in use and
management of the Owyhee Canyonlands, brought me the successful result
of five years of extraordinary effort, comity and willingness to work
toward a solution.

The Owyhee Initiative transforms conflict and uncertainty into conflict
resolution and assurance of future activity.  The Shoshone-Paiute Tribe
knows cultural resources will be protected.  Ranchers can plan for
subsequent generations.  Off-road vehicle users have access assured.
Wilderness is established.  The Air Force will continue to train pilots.
Local, state and federal government agencies will have structure to
assist their joint management of the region.  And this will all happen
within the context of environmental preservation and ecological health.
This is indeed a revolutionary land management structure-one that looks
ahead to the future.

Principle features include:

	*  A board of directors to administer and implement;
	*  Scientific review; 
	*  Development, funding and implementation of research projects;
	*  Releasing wilderness study areas, designating wilderness and
wild and 		scenic rivers;
	*  Establishing public lands travel plans including a
multiple-use trail system;
	*  Protections of tribal cultural and historical resources.

This can't be called a ranching bill, wilderness bill, an Air Force
bill, or Tribal bill.  The Owyhee Initiative is a Cultural Preservation
bill.  It's also a comprehensive land management bill.   Each interest
got enough to enthusiastically support the final product, advocate for
enactment, and, most importantly, support objectives of those with whom
they had previous conflict.  

Opposition will come from a few principal sources:  those who simply
don't want wilderness designated; those who don't want livestock
anywhere on public land; and, those who don't want to see collaboration
succeed.  While I respect that opposition, I prefer to move forward in
an effort that manages conflict and land, rather than exploit

The status quo is unacceptable. The Owyhee Canyonlands and its
inhabitants, including people, deserve to have a conflict management
process and a path to sustainability.  The need for this path forward is
particularly acute given that this area is an hour's drive from one of
the nation's most rapidly-growing communities.  The Owyhee Initiative
protects water rights, releases wilderness study areas and protects
traditional uses.  

I commend the commitment and leadership of all involved.  We've
established a long-term, comprehensive management approach, and I will
do everything in my power to turn this into law.  

The Owyhee Initiative sets a standard for managing and resolving
difficult land management issues in our country.  After all, what better
place to forge an historical change in our approach to public land
management, than in this magnificent land that symbolizes livelihood,
heritage, diversity, opportunity and renewal?


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