[Vision2020] Al Gore wins an Oscar for...
J Ford
privatejf32 at hotmail.com
Mon Mar 5 09:25:59 PST 2007
I guess my question about the "global warming issue" is - what did the
dinosaurs do that made their world disappear? Was it their gas (ala, the
cows that are producing so much methane gas - like we heard about a few
years ago) or was it that they simply ate their way through all the
vegetation and were therefore not able to produce enough oxygen to sustain
life as they new it? And what happened that the Ice Age went bye-bye? Was
that global warming or was that something else? LIKE FOR INSTANCE THE EARTH
I remember hearing stories of the 1930's when the dust bowels were so bad,
whole areas of the country literally blew away. And of summers that were so
hot, eggs could be cooked on the sidewalk. Or winters that were so bitter
and snow so deep you could freeze milk in less than 5 minutes or ski 20ft.
off the sidewalk. GET REAL!!!
Sheesh - like has been said "Everyone complains about the weather but no one
can do a damn thing about it."
And before my stuff is landed in the middle of, yes, we need to conserve and
yes, we need to switch to something else other than fossil fuels. I just
think the first and most important issue is that we need to chill out a
little and get a grip! What we are going through is nothing new and will
continue if the population were to suddenly expire all at once or not.
And why not leave Gore alone? If Clinton can "smoke and not inhale" or not
"have sex" when in fact he did and STILL get the job done - who cares!? what
Gore is/isn't doing? Does it take money out of your pocket? Is it hurting
your future? Is it impacting your present? Since the answer to those
questions is a resounding "NO!" - lay off the guy already. Jeez.
J :]
>From: Debbie Gray <graylex at yahoo.com>
>To: Ted Moffett <starbliss at gmail.com>
>CC: vision2020 <vision2020 at moscow.com>
>Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Al Gore wins an Oscar for...
>Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2007 21:08:31 -0800 (PST)
>A story in the spokesman review on Wed, Feb 28 (am
>just wading through the week's papers today)...
>relevant excerpt:
>'A spokeswoman for Gore said he purchases enough
>"green power" renewable energy sources such as
>solar, wind and methane gas to balance 100 percent
>of his electricity costs.
>"Sometimes when people don't like the message, in this
>case that global warming is real, it's convenient to
>attack the messenger," Gore spokeswoman Kalee Kreider
>Gore participates in a utility program that sells
>blocks of "green power" for an extra $4 a month. Gore
>purchases 108 such blocks every month, covering 16,200
>kilowatt-hours and helping subsidize renewable energy
>Of course we can all improve our efforts, but it's
>really disappointing that some choose to use this
>information about his electricity use to delete the
>importance of what he is trying to say.
>Debbie Gray
>--- Ted Moffett <starbliss at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Given Al Gore's wealth, wouldn't he make even more
> > of a powerful statement
> > if he purchased green power to offset the CO2
> > emissions connected to his
> > lifestyle, and also downsized his energy
> > consumption, thus reducing CO2
> > outputs even more? Not everyone has the disposable
> > wealth to purchase CO2
> > reductions connected to their outputs, as Al Gore
> > can.
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