[Vision2020] Mardi Gras RIP

JeanC jeanc38 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 10:39:42 PST 2007

On 3/1/07, Ellen Roskovich <gussie443 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> I just realized that there's probably quite a few newer folks in town that
> are shocked that I would describe Mardi Gras as a "family event".
> But Moscow's Mardi Gras of 20 years ago was just that.

Yup, the parade is what I remember the most, the floats that David
Giese's class made out of milk carton paper were wonderful. Seeing
various local groups dressed up, the law school student drill team was
fantastic. Local marching bands and people from around the county

I remember the couple years PESFA (Palouse Empire Science Fiction
Association) marched in the parade. One year we made a paper mache
dragon's head and tail and with a big piece of green material and a
couple people underneath and marched with that as our center piece
with other folk dressed in science fiction and fantasy costumes.

Somewhere I have a copy of the video that was made back then (tho it
was so long ago the tape may be pretty degraded by now). I kept that
dragon head for years, mounted on my wall until it fell apart.

Later in the day they had activities for families and kids, then the
Beaux Arts Ball, where everyone could go, not just those over 21 since
it was an alcohol free venue. A few of the bars also participated for
those who wished to imbibe.

I do miss it all. It was a whole day of fun.

Jean C
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can
  change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has"
    Margaret Mead
JeanC's Cat House & Shooting Society

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