[Vision2020] Lost Dog

Craine Kit kcraine at verizon.net
Sun Jul 15 16:23:41 PDT 2007

I am looking for a lost dog. It is an 8-year old, spayed female  
Shepard-Husky mix, yellow-tan-off white, named Tangie. It looks like  
a wolf.

It disappeared from a securely fenced yard in the 500 block of Ridge  
Road last Thursday (July 12th). It may have been "rescued" by someone  
who perhaps thought it had been abandoned or left outside while its  
people are on vacation.

Tangie's person is in the hospital. She was being cared for by  
friends and neighbors. She had free access to food, water and  
shelter. People were visiting daily to provide companionship. Her  
person is devastated.

If anyone has seen this dog or knows anything about it, please  
contact me off list.

Kit Craine

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