[Vision2020] Why I didn't vote for Brady......

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 15 12:07:50 PST 2007

What boggles my mind is this notion that there is limited wealth and it is being fought over between Pullman and Moscow, or between the big chain stores and the small mom and pop shops. Nobody checks this with the reality that wealth is not finite but in fact unlimited by the generation of jobs through production, selling, work, and competition to create a more efficient marketplace. 
  If the leaders of Moscow would spend more time building up Moscow, rather then trying to tear down what others are trying to build, we might have a better economy.
  The way to better Moscow isn't to stop construction in the corridor, but to build and produce something better to make people drive through the corridor and come to Moscow. 
  Some leaders in Moscow have the mentality of the children in the sandbox that stomp on the sand castles that are better than their own instead of building a better one. Destroying all the other projects so that yours is the best is the loser's approach to problem solving and being productive.  

anitasonriente at aol.com wrote:
  If Moscow suffers economically from the impact, then it should fall on the shoulders of the city council.  They are the ones that do not want the new business'.  And besides, Whitman County is being smart.....they want to grow with the times and they realize that by bringing these retail shops in, they are not only keeping business local, they would have more jobs for their community, etc.  Oh yeah, but did I mention that Moscow hasn't kept out the coffee shops?  If I seem "bitter", it is because I would like to see Moscow grow as I live here and I believe in my city and I shop locally.  But when you can go down main street and there are 8 places within a block that are either coffee shops or they are restaurants that sell coffees, ie mocha's, lattee's, etc., ! it gets to be a bit much. 
  Anita :)
-----Original Message-----
From: kjajmix1 at msn.com
To: anitasonriente at aol.com; vision2020 at moscow.com
Sent: Sun, 14 Jan 2007 8:18 PM
Subject: RE: [Vision2020] Why I didn't vote for Brady......

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From: anitasonriente at aol.com 
To: vision2020 at moscow.com 
Subject: [Vision2020] Why I didn't vote for Brady...... 
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2007 22:33:13 -0500 
I feel that Kai has made a very valid point. To some the hand shake may seam trivial, but I was always taught that making a good first impression is very important. The politicians know when they step into the political arena that they will be embarking on a long grueling journey with long hours, bad food, and even bad breathe for that matter. To make excuses as to why Brady had a limp hand shake is simply that....an excuse. I have a hard time with politicians in general because I simply do not believe a word they say. For example, tell me how many of the fine City of Moscow city council members are acting on what they promised in their campaigns? They were going to make Moscow even better. What, with a another coffee shop downtown? Maybe instead of Mayor Chaney and the Moscow City Council sticking their noses in the happenings of events going on accross the border in ! Washington, perhaps they should keep their vision on what is better for Moscow and go back to what! 
  they promised us, the voters during their campaigning :) 
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