[Vision2020] And So It Began, Long, Long Ago...

Ralph Nielsen nielsen at uidaho.edu
Tue Jan 2 15:00:51 PST 2007

Excellent remarks, Ted. But how many will listen to you?

Regarding the Democrats marginalizing Republicans in the new US  
think of this in terms of the sectarian conflicts in nations around the
globe.  Then think in terms of the Darwinian genetic programming in the
human mammal brain, conditioned in its emotional/survival responses  
by the
fact that for millenia upon millenia, the tribe that won control of the
critical resources in the area of the tribes wanderings would  
survive, while
the other tribe either moved on, were killed off, or withered,  
when the resources were not large enough to support all the tribes in  
region.  Now fast forward to the modern age, when tribal influences can
extend globally, such as in the hegemony of the US empire, while the  
brain still functions as though it is facing tribal conflicts over  
critical resources from the pre-scientific/technological age.  Now  
think of
applying these ideas to the Sunni/Shite/Kurd/Turkey/Iran/Saudi
Arabia/Israel, etc. Middle East stew that the US, in its infinite  
thinks/thought it can/could solve with brute military force, without
appearing to be just another tribe trying to extend its control over
resources for its own advantage.

Where was I?  Oh yeah, Democrats and Republicans!  Just another  
couple of
mini-tribes trying to maximize their control over the resources that  
the big
tribe, the USA, has.  But they both are bellying up to the same cash  
mostly controlled by other more dominant tribal leaders, the captains of
corporate capitalism, which now are linked together into some sort of
monster multi-national global tribe trying to play the game of global
control over products, labor, resources, money markets, currency...

I offer this in the hope that the Red vs. Blue divide in the US might be
transcended, so that the divide and conquer strategy employed to  
the US populace from the Machiavellian machinations of the primary  
controlling our future, might be perceived more accurately.  But then  
is that dang mammalian human brain, conditioned to respond to its  
tribal struggle for survival from millions of years of evolution,  
that is so
easily manipulated to respond to sectarian, religious, political  
us/vs them, they are evil we are good oversimplifications of the  
reality of
power distribution, despite the modern age of science and technology,  
should enable humans all over the planet to forget these ridiculous  
squabbles (Socialists vs. Capitalists, Democrats vs. Republicans,  
Sunni vs.
Shite, Christian vs. Muslim, etc. etc.) to bring about the paradise of
global peace and plenty that is the human birthright.

This Darwinian reductionism perhaps explains (perhaps not) both the
obsession of sports fans with their team (I had to throw that it!),  
tribe, winning the "war," and the laughable political and/or religious
tribal struggles that are life or death to many.

Free Will, anyone?  Or knee jerk evolutionarily conditioned mammal brain
tribal survival/revenge determinism?

Ted Moffett

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