[Vision2020] Just one more place where Nick Gier can't tell right from wrong.
heirdoug at netscape.net
heirdoug at netscape.net
Fri Feb 23 09:53:16 PST 2007
I'm with you Pat. This poll is similar to the one where they asked a
bunch of folks on the the street: "is it the gun that is evil or is it
the bullets that are evil???"
I just love this line "the enemy is the violence they exalt." Like
their sharia law and the last thing that was said in the Koran was not
the important point... "death to the infidel"!
From one of Doug Wilson's sermons: "The Koran is not organized
chronologically, but rather the same way the letters of Paul are
organized in the New Testament—by length. This leads many people to
think that “peace” verses in the Koran and “war” verses are all jumbled
together, to be sorted out as the occasion demands. But the peace
verses were from the first Meccan period, and they were abrogated by
the jihad verses that began in Medina. “If we abrogate a verse or cause
it to be forgotten, We will replace it with a better one or one
similar” (Surah 2:106)."
I guess that Nick will never know what is right and what is wrong!
lemeno, Doug!
In truth, the common enemy is violence and terrorism, not Muslims any
than Christians or Jews. Whether recruits to violent causes join gangs
Los Angeles or terrorist cells in Lahore, the enemy is the violence they
Our surveys show that not only do Muslims reject terrorism as much if
more than Americans, but even those who are sympathetic to radical
can be won over by positive American actions that promote goodwill and
real hope.
America's goal, in partnership with Muslim public opinion, should be to
defeat terrorists by isolating them from their own societies. The most
effective policies to achieve that goal are the ones that build on our
common humanity. And we can start by recognizing that Muslims
throughout the
world want peace as much as Americans do.
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