[Vision2020] Doug's slip

J Ford privatejf32 at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 18 20:18:29 PST 2007

Anyone else have a problem with the racism in this exert of Doug's:

"Once I bought a comic bookone of the idiotic kind where Sgt. Rock, or 
somebody like him, blazes his way through the Pacific theatreand when my 
father saw me reading it, he made me return it to the store. He was a 
veteran of the Korean War, and no pacifist, but he told me in no uncertain 
terms that the Jap caricatures in the comic book were, in real life, 
husbands, fathers, and brothers."

**Please note the use of the term "Japs" for Japanese.**

This was written by Doug in Credenda/Agenda in 2005; clearly after WWII and 
the Korean War and certainly past the time that a term like "Japs" was even 
remotely used and/or accepted.

J  :]

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