[Vision2020] Parking Survey Under Way

J Ford privatejf32 at hotmail.com
Tue Feb 13 02:12:38 PST 2007

A parking survey of businesses int he CBD is being conducted this next week.

Just how many businesses are there in the CBD?  I've seen and heard numbers 
around 55-60...now  the Chamber of Commerce is saying there are "300!"  Is 
that even possible?  And what area are they considering the CBD?

Apparently, a "survey, developed by Moscow Public Works Director Les 
MacDonald and the city’s Transportation Commission Walter Steed" is being 
given out to the businesses in the CBD.  It is supposed to be comprehensive 
and result in a better idea of just what parking issues really do exist in 
the CBD.  They are asking the businesses about such things as "what they do 
in terms of how they get to work, where they park, what employees do, what 
they are hearing from the customers, what distances customers are willing to 
travel..."  The survey is being distributed by hand by an intern Chamber of 
Commerce (aka a member of the CC or NSA?)  This intern is also recording 
what businesses are at what addresses because "The city might be able to use 
that information in the future"  Like the City doesn't know?  And what would 
they possibly need this information for?  And doesn't the Chamber already 
have this information?

What about surveying the paying customers?  What about asking the citizens 
that have to attempt to use that area for parking and conducting business?  
How about having more than a few days to get the survey done?  Why the rush? 
  (Its due in by 23 Feb 07.)  And the businesses that don't respond will 
receive a SECOND visit to ostensibly find out why they haven't responded.

It'll be interesting to see just who does the tallying of those surveys and 
then compare them to surveys done in the past.  Again, I don't see why the 
paying customers of the CBD are not being asked to fill out a survey.

J  :]

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