[Vision2020] The Mendacious Mullah of Moscow

News of Christ Cult news.of.christ.cult at gmail.com
Mon Feb 5 08:03:51 PST 2007



Tuesday, February 14, 2006  The Mendacious Mullah of Moscow ****
*Proverbs 12:22 - "Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who
deal truthfully are His delight." *

Here's a joke: How do you know Doug Wilson is lying? His fingers are typing.

The most recent example of this is his blog post from over the weekend with
reference to the R.C. Sproul, Jr. scandal, entitled: R.C. Sproul Jr., A
Justice Primer<http://dougwils.com/index.asp?Action=Anchor&CategoryID=1&BlogID=1984>.
Now the fact that he equates his mendacity with justice is full of all kinds
of pathetic irony, but I am struck with how utterly we can become so
invested in the lie that we are forced to continue with it even when it is
in our own best interest to be truthful. Such is the case with the Moscow

Before I address the substance of his obstinate obfuscation, let me just
point out that Douggie can't claim to be ignorant of the facts of the
matter: his statement makes it clear that he represents to be in the know.
Also, the facts under consideration are a matter of public record. Anyone
choosing to take fifteen seconds to do an Internet search can view
practically the entire body of evidence at issue (if you're too lazy for
that, go here <http://hushmoney.org/RC_Sproul_Jr-defrocking-docs.htm>). So
this clearly is not about Douggie not understanding nor having insufficient
evidence to know what is going on as he is blog bloviating.

The Pasha of the Palouse tells us: *"Responsible Christians everywhere
should wait patiently while these responsible adults sort this one
out." *And just who are these responsible Christians that he refers
to? The RPCGA,
the former (note the qualification here) denomination of R.C. Sproul, Jr.
and his Gang of Ecclesiastical Thugs (known in the 1970s as R.C. and the
Reprobate Band). Douggie apparently puts himself in that category of "adult"
as well (LMAO!).

But the assumption that he is wanting you -- no -- is *demanding* that you
make, and which predicates the entirety of his statement, is that the RPCGA
is still involved in adjudicating the case of these defrocked degenerates.
If this were true, he would be entirely in the right in terms of telling
everyone to pipe down to allow these men a fair hearing, though he would
have no more authority to say it than any other blogger. However, the
assumption he is peddling is entirely and deliberately false.

Now if you go to his blog post, it is dated "2/11/06", a full week *after* the
RPCGA dismissed these men <http://hushmoney.org/ToDeposedSession.pdf> from
their denomination--ample time for him to get caught up on the matter before
he started slinging crap from the trees at anyone daring to disagree with
him. The simple point of fact is that following their dismissal from the
denomination the RPCGA has no further jurisdiction over these men, and any
investigation or report the RPCGA would issue at any time would be as valid
as Douggie clearing out the opium den at the New St. Andrews men's house and
convening his own ecclesiastical show trial (not that he's discounted that
option yet; that's what he seems to be angling for). Even further, any
slimeball micro-denominational outfit willing to credential these spiritual
sodomites would equally have no jurisdiction to try or authority to clear or
convict them with reference to past charges. Douggie lectures us all enough
on the topic such that we are only left with the conclusion that he
understands presbyterian church polity (remember, "Reformed is not
enough"!). R.C. and the Gang are freelancers (putting it charitably) and
renegades (putting it more accurately) at this point, notwithstanding what
Douggie says, and not subject to any further sanctions by the RPCGA or any
cult of personality they might happen to join down the road. This is so
plainly clear that Wilson telling the rest of us to ignore the man behind
the curtain immediately tips his hand.

What exactly is he expecting us to wait for? R.C. and his lackeys need more
time for the cover-up story to stick. This isn't a matter of principles for
Douggie; it is bare-knuckle pragmatics and propaganda. You see, having been
justly defrocked for monstrous behavior towards members of their own
congregation and other assorted illegal activities (all of which they
admitted to in writing), and then having been reinstalled to their offices
by their newly-minted independent congregational church two days after being
released by the RPCGA, they are spinning the story that the defrocking was
due to their bizarre adherence to paedo-communion (a practice completely
unknown throughout the entire 2000 year history of the Western Church), not
because of their admitted ungodly and vicious behavior towards God's flock.

But the Declaratory Judgment <http://hushmoney.org/RPCGA-judgment.pdf>of the
Westminster Presbytery tells a different story:


"The consistent pattern of actions taken by these men are duplicitous in
nature, and demonstrate that they willingly and knowingly act in an
arbitrary fashion in violation of their vows of ordination and in violation
of our denomination's Book of Church Order. Most importantly, their actions
manifest that they lack the qualification for the ministry (1Timothy 3:1-7).
It would be unwise to allow these men to continue to hold an office for
which they are not qualified. They have no interest to govern themselves
appropriately within this Presbyterian system of government that they vowed
to submit and conform to its rules and regulations with conduct becoming
ministers of Jesus Christ." (Declaratory Judgment, p. 11)

*According to the unanimous decision of Westminster Presbytery of the RPCGA,
these men are morally and spiritually unfit and unqualified for the office
of church elder. As I said previously they have shown themselves to be
butchers of God's sheep, not shepherds. This rightly-rendered verdict was *
immediately* rejected by R.C. and the Gang (and apparently by Wilson), who
agreed to allow themselves to be reappointed to their offices hours after
they were free from any attachment to the RPCGA. Furthermore, R.C. has taken
his case to the Internet, first to declare that they had been wronged by the
presbytery in their deposition from office; and then when dismissed, to
claim vindication. If this isn't thumbing their nose at the RPCGA and their
lawful decisions, I don't know what else could ever rise to that level. That
is the real issue at hand and the source of scandal.

Douggie, if this public conversation is too adult for you, maybe it's time
for you to go to bed. This is no longer a matter of private discipline; it
is a matter of public scandal, and fair game for public comment. There's no
further waiting required by anyone at this point. Let me be crystal clear:
if anyone on the Internet is "shoveling excrement" on this matter, it is
Douggie Wilson himself. There is nothing forthcoming from the RPCGA that
means anything authoritatively, as Wilson tells us to expect. And he knows

But his friends have been shown to be the knaves that they are, and Douggie
has admitted on his blog that there are plans afoot to usher these men into
the CREC, Wilson's own boutique micro-denomination, so he has to bang his
pots and pans to scare away the presbyterian predators while these men are
brought into safe harbor. It doesn't seem the slightest bit of concern to
Wilson that he is utterly discrediting himself in the process, begging the
question, of course, that he hasn't already done so. If that's what passes
for "justice" in Moscow these days, I gladly want no part of it. And I
certainly don't need lectures on it from Douggie Wilson any more than I need
to hear sermons on effective church government and Christian leadership from
R.C. Sproul, Jr.

One final thought: having read the comments section attached to his post,
what is even more pathetic than Wilson's lies are the plethora of mindless
Wilsonistas who applaud his brave stand for godless autonomy, falsehood and
deceit. And to those mindless Wilsonistas, let me say that when they start
passing out the Kool-Aid at the tragic but inevitable conclusion of *The
Great Moscow Meltdown*, you can't say that you haven't been warned.

*Posted by Patrick Poole*


Juanita Flores
Advocate for the Truth from Jesus
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