[Vision2020] A Fresh Look at Southern Slavery As It Was
keely emerinemix
kjajmix1 at msn.com
Fri Feb 2 07:44:14 PST 2007
And, unfortunately, still timely.
From: "donald huskey" <donaldrose at cpcinternet.com>
To: <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Subject: [Vision2020] A Fresh Look at Southern Slavery As It Was
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2007 22:26:24 -0800
The discussion of the Wilson / Wilkins infamous little pamphlet "Southern
Slavery As It Was" is not a new topic on V2020. SSAIW has been roundly
condemned by academics, theologians, and the majority of this community.
It's defenders are few, and generally limited to the ragged remnant of
Neo/Paleo Confederates who think Gone With the Wind is non-fiction. To
those of us familiar with SSAIW it was a great relief when Canon Press
stopped publishing this ill-considered, poorly written, historically
inaccurate, heavily plagiarized, piece of trash.
Sadly, SSAIW appears to have been given new life by Blue Bonnet Press
<http://www.bluebonnetpress.com/> in the book The War Between The States.
Blue Bonnet Press is owned by John Dwyer. Mr. Dwyer holds an undergraduate
degree in Journalism, has engaged in unspecified "post-graduate studies in
history" (note: no degree listed) and holds a Masters from Dallas
Theological Seminary. He is employed at Coram Deo Academy
<http://www.coramdeoacademy.org/content/teacherpages/index.php#dallas> a
member school of the Association of Classical Christian Schools, Doug
Wilson's accrediting agency for Christian schools modeled on Logos School.
Dwyer, principal author and editor, describes his 700 + page effort as a
book that:
"[refuses] to cater to anyone's notion of the truth other than that of
history itself. Most contemporary so-called "scholarship" on most time
periods and particularly of the American War Between the States is so
blinded by materialistic, utilitarian, Marxist-oriented perspectives on
government, society, and history that it fails the "smell test" for what is
accurate history, not to mention how problematic its judgments and
assumptions are to those who hold a Christian world view and a
traditionalist perspective of Constitutional, Republican American
government." http://www.bluebonnetpress.com/wbts_interview.html
Mr. Dwyer did not tackle this magnum opus single-handedly. He was aided by
George Grant, J. Steven Wilkins, Doug Wilson, and (former) secondary
principal at Logos School, Tom Spencer. Study Guides for the book are
online at:
Chapters 7 and 8 are titled "Southern Slavery As It Was". The Study Guide
for these chapters include such penetrating questions as:
"4.. Using the arguments given in this chapter and others you may think
applicable, give your opinion on the question debated in 1845 by two
Presbyterian pastors: "Is SlaveHolding in Itself
Sinful, and the Relation Between Master and Slave, a Sinful Relation?"
5. In your opinion, how useful to understanding and judging
antebellum slavery is an analysis of the practice within the context of
Biblical principles on the subject?"
Clearly, SSAIW has once again reared its ugly head to contaminate the minds
and stunt the intellectual growth of children whose Kirk-enthralled parents
lack the mother-wit to recognize the difference between the racist,
Neo-Confederate cretins pretending to be legitimate historians and
authentic, academically-trained scholars.
It became apparent to me many years ago that Doug Wilson is not averse to
financial gain at the expense of truth. Nonetheless, his share of royalties
from this $39.00 book are undoubtedly minimal. Who among us would be
willing to target an audience of children with the grotesquely deceitful
content of Southern Slavery As It Was in exchange for a pocket full of
pennies? Once again, I ask Doug Wilson, have you no shame?
Rose Huskey
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