[Vision2020] Helicopters

Art Bettge abettge at turbonet.com
Mon Aug 27 15:30:21 PDT 2007

It seems Avista was behind the helicopter overflights this morning.

I wrote Clearwater Power and they didn’t know anything about it; apparently
Whitcom was misinformed.  The manager of Clearwater Power (David Hagen)
kindly forwarded my e-mail to Avista and I received the following from
Avista’s Mike Thomason:

We have been experiencing interuptions to our N. Moscow substation which has
the effect of causing lots of our customers to have very short outages. 
This has caused all sorts of issues with computers and other digital
equipment.  We have done numerous line inspections from the ground and have
been unable to find the problem, so resorted to an arial inspection in order
to see if we could find the cause of our problems when looking down on our
insulators rather than up. 
-end snip-

That seems to be what was going on today.

Art Bettge

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