[Vision2020] Just Say "NO" to Jobs and Businesses In Moscow

debismith at moscow.com debismith at moscow.com
Tue Sep 26 22:12:53 PDT 2006

Forgive you for getting personal? Donovan, your entire life revolves around getting folk's 
personal lives out to anyone and everyone. Perhaps if you got out yourself you could allow 
others to decide what they want about themselves out on the net. You really need to get a 
grip, take a break, and gather your own wa. Stop outing everyone, stop targeting anyone, go 
inside and find what it is that might make you a happy camper. You are becoming ridiculous!!

Debi R-S

Date sent:      	Tue, 26 Sep 2006 18:41:36 -0700 (PDT)
From:           	Donovan Arnold <donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com>
To:             	Joe Campbell <joekc at adelphia.net>
Copies to:      	vision2020 at moscow.com, tstroschein at latah.id.us, 
bocc at latah.id.us,
       	jnelson at latah.id.us
Subject:        	Re: [Vision2020] Just Say "NO" to Jobs and Businesses In Moscow


 Forgive me for getting personal here, but you cannot  even find a job
 in this town.  Wouldn't you much rather  work  in Moscow rather then
 be going to another town for a job? Well, I sure  would.  



Joe Campbell <joekc at adelphia.net> wrote:  Here is one way to
characterize the differences between us when it comes to our attitudes
about local businesses, Donovan.

Suppose  that we are at the big high school party. You think that
Moscow is  similar to the girl that has not yet been asked to dance.
It is near  the end of the evening. She's lonely and desperate and had
better dance  with the first guy who asks her because he might be the

I  think that Moscow is the Prom Queen and she's just arrived at the 
party. She's intelligent, self-assured, and a real knockout. She can 
dance with anyone. She can afford to be choosy.

(I admit that  the above example is sexist. Substitute 'boy' and 'star
quarterback'  where appropriate. Be sure to change the pronouns, too!)

Best, Joe

---- Donovan Arnold  wrote: 

I  am in full agreement with MCA on this. I am tired of businesses
coming  into Moscow and creating jobs, raising wages, and providing 
opportunities for the people here.

 This 16 page regulatory  document will send a clear message to
 businesses like Home Depot,  Wal-Mart, Schweitzer, Micron, and other
 institutions that provide wages  to the residents in the area that we
 don't want them here.

  Establishing 16 pages of new and "special" laws and regulations for 
  some business that provide a high number of jobs, we will assure 
  victory over the people that want jobs and to pay less property
  taxes.  Whitman County is where these business people will have to
  give their  taxes and create jobs.

 YEAH MCA! I am with you. Stop business  from coming here to Moscow
 and Latah, we already have enough good  paying jobs at least $5.15 an



  PS, I hope you know I was being sarcastic, there is always one in
  the crowd. 

Bill London  wrote:                Dear County Commissioners Kimmell,
Nelson and   Stroschein:

  The Moscow Civic Association (“MCA”) is in favor of Latah County
   adopting Moscow’s Large Scale Retail Ordinance (“LSRO”) for
  the  Area of City Impact.

 The LSRO was written by a team of  community members with the goal of
 mitigating negative impacts that  retail outlets 40,000 square feet
 or larger (“Big Box Stores”)  would likely bring to our growing
 community. Retail outlets of this  size are cropping up all over the
 country with a variety of  consequences involving traffic, noise,
 storm water, aesthetics, etc.  Communities across the country are
 recognizing the need to pass  ordinances to eliminate or mitigate the
 adverse impacts of Big Box  Stores. For this reason, the MCA
 supported the city’s efforts to  mitigate these problems by
 adopting the LSRO. 

 Planning and  zoning are reasonable and desirable activities of local
 governing  bodies. We do not endorse the view that ordinances placing
 reasonable  requirements on businesses represent an assault on the
 free market or  discourage beneficial development. We believe that
 the LSRO regulates  development wisely, in a community-friendly and
 beneficial manner that  protects the property rights of developers,
 adjacent landowners and the  surrounding community. We wish to
 encourage this type of development.

  We believe it is not only justifiable but necessary in our role as 
  responsible citizens and as community participants placing
  reasonable  requirements on retail establishments larger than 40,000
  square feet.  To mitigate the adverse spillover effects that come
  with great size is  an absolutely appropriate protection of the
  property rights of the  surrounding landowners and community. We
  believe that the LSRO does  that adequately by defining large scale
  retail outlets as conditional  uses in the Motor Business zoning
  district and by placing specific  requirements on such
  establishments to address the following areas of  concern:

  Site   location
  City Services and City   infrastructure impacts
  Storm water   quality
  Traffic   Impacts
  Building   abandonment

  We agree with the   requirements provided by the LSRO.

  As stated in the first five and a half pages of the sixteen page 
  document, there are many reasons to adopt such an ordinance. We
  would  like to draw your attention to the following paragraph of the
  ordinance  (p. 5), which highlights the beneficial purpose of the
  LSRO in  protecting the property rights of the nearby property
  owners and the  community itself:

  Whereas,   the City is currently without design review regulations
  or any   discretionary review   and public hearing process specific
  to retail establishments in excess of   forty thousand   (40,000)
  square feet which preserve    and/or enhance the general appearance
  of   building design and construction; preserve the historical
  character and   significance of the   community; coordinate onsite
  vehicular and non-vehicular traffic circulation   patterns within  
  adjacent transportation systems; minimize visual impact; provide for
  and   protect existing   light, air, solar access, and orientation,
  privacy, views, and vistas by the   proper and   efficient location
  of building sites and design layout; provide adequate usable   open
  space   in a manner appropriate to the development and uses of
  lands, and protect   and preserve   wildlife, stream, natural
  topography and other desirable natural features   and qualities  
  such as skyline, ridge tops, knoll ridges, established trees and
  shrub   masses, topsoil,   streambeds and banks, drainage swales;
  promote aesthetic harmonizing   with the   environment adjacent to
  development; enable requirements for traffic   studies, market  
  studies, and impact studies; and enable imposition of mitigation  

  Without the LSRO in place, the citizens of our community have no 
  protection from the adverse spillover effects that unregulated large
   retail establishments will bring to nearby neighborhoods, to the 
  detriment of residents’ property values and quality of life. This 
  threat is something we can mitigate through the LSRO while
  preserving  economic opportunity, enhancing property values and
  quality of life,  and protecting and balancing developer’s
  property rights with those  of the impacted neighbors and community.

 We hope you will  take these comments to heart and pass the LSRO for
 the Area of City  Impact. Please protect and preserve the quality of
 life for Latah  County.


  Bruce   Livingston
  President,   Moscow Civic   Association 
  On   Behalf of the Moscow Civic Association Board of   Directors

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