[Vision2020] Reading Ease

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Thu Oct 26 17:54:49 PDT 2006

> On 10/25/06, Paul Rumelhart wrote:

> > The main      reason that I prefer top-posted replies is that I get to skip
> >      reading the replies I've already read again and again as the chain      of
> > replies continues. I also hate having to scroll down to the      bottom of a
> > lengthy email exchange to get a one-line      reply.

There are many similar wars in computing, most of them equally
enjoined only by the anal (this definitely includes me).

For instance:

The graphical file format GIF.  Do you pronounce it "jif" or "gif?"  I
vote for the former, and so does the inventor of the format, but not
everyone agrees.

The computer language SQL.  Do you pronounce it "ess queue ell" or
"sequel?"  Again, I vote for the former, but the argument rages on.

As for the top-posting versus bottom-posting controversy, up until
approximately the year 2000, bottom-posting was nearly universal.  The
terms "bottom-post" and "top-post" did not  exist.  Microsoft changed
this because their mail apps use top-posting by default.  So, from my
perspective, I blame it on Microsoft.  ;-)

This example is frequently used to argue the bottom-posting preference:

A: No.
Q: Should I include quotations after my reply?

Before I leave this urgent subject, let me ask this:

Is it e-mail or email, or Internet or internet?  Once more, I prefer
the former in each instance, but there are valid arguments for the
contrary positions.



"Intolerance betrays want of faith in one's cause." -- Mahatma Gandhi

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