[Vision2020] Environmental Paradox of Bicycling

Philip Cook pcook818 at adelphia.net
Sat Oct 21 09:42:02 PDT 2006

A couple of months ago on this list we discussed the environmental benefits of bicycling and the relationship to being a vegetarian. (http://bicycleuniverse.info/transpo/beef.html)

Last night while reading the December issue of Bicycling magazine, I ran across reference to this article:


The basic argument is that cycling leads to individuals living longer and therefore increases an individual's total environmental impact on the world.

My favorite line in the article is: "As a society, we value longevity more than long-term environmental impact. If we did not, we might  provide incentives for risky behaviors such as smoking, drug abuse, and driving without seat belts."

O.K. I'll take up smoking cigarettes and crack, but please don't take my bike ;-)

A little smile for a Saturday morning,


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