[Vision2020] Now Donovan Insults Houses!

Nick Gier ngier at uidaho.edu
Thu Oct 12 11:55:54 PDT 2006


If I didn't dislike Donovan so much I would invite him to visit my 
home.  Just because a house is 50 years old does not necessarily mean that 
it is a dump.  In 1999 I invested $11,000 in my house: new carpet, new 
tile, triple pane sound proof windows (except for the original "picture" 
window) upstairs and downstairs, remodelled kitchen, new range, microwave, 
frig, washer, dryer, and refinishing the hardwood floors.  And last year I 
paid $1500 to redo half the roof.

Nick Gier, Proud Intolerista

Intolerance is a virtue when one is intolerant of bigotry, discrimination, 
dishonesty, ugly behavior, and bad manners

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