[Vision2020] When is it and when is it not my business? (update)

Bill London london at moscow.com
Thu Nov 9 11:49:07 PST 2006

how about boycott as the tool that was used by Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
et al to integrate buses and other public services in the American South a
few decades ago?

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <heirdoug at netscape.net>
To: <deco at moscow.com>; <vision2020 at moscow.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2006 3:18 PM
Subject: [Vision2020] When is it and when is it not my business? (update)

> Artie, Is this what you had in mind?!
> Well that would be exactly the same as:
> On April 1, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels, declared a
> national boycott against German Jews. The boycott was carefully planned
> to begin simultaneously in every city and town at 1OAm. Uniformed, and
> often armed, guards were placed in front of every store or business
> owned by Jews. Customers were prevented from entering. Guards were also
> placed at the offices of Jewish lawyers and doctors.
> Jewish businesses and department stores, which were a prominent part of
> the community, became convenient targets for the boycotts. The modern
> department store, with its fixed and low prices, was blamed for
> Germany's economic crisis. Nazi propaganda claimed that all department
> stores were in Jewish hands and were a danger to the German middle
> class.  As part of the boycott, signs were posted warning, "Jewish
> store!  Whoever buys here will be photographed." Trucks, with Nazis
> bearing signs, patrolled the streets. The signs proclaimed, "Germans!
> Defend yourselves! Don't buy from Jews!"
>   The boycotts were among the first measures taken against the Jews
> during the Holocaust and laid the groundwork for the subsequent removal
> of Jews' civil and human rights. Following the boycotts the Nazis
> passed laws barring Jews from public schools, the professions and the
> civil service.
> Refusal to buy a product or patronize a store. Often used as a form of
> protest or coercion.
> Doug
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------
> Actually I was thinking of an expanded boycott and of alleged
> Christians
> being vocal about the slander of Christ by the Cult.
> W.
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