[Vision2020] Michael J. Fox interview

Saundra Lund sslund at adelphia.net
Wed Nov 1 19:02:47 PST 2006


In off list correspondence requested to be kept off list by the OP, I wrote:
"I doubt this will reach Pat since my second email was rejected by her ISP:
"Recipient: <pkraut at moscow.com>  Reason:    spam source blocked""

To which Pat Kraut responded on V2020:
"On the contrary Saundra I did not find any emails from you in my Postini

I'm sorry this is so confusing to you, Pat, but you wouldn't have found my
email in your Postini account because my email WAS REJECTED BY YOUR ISP.
Had it simply gone into your Postini account, I wouldn't have received
notification from your ISP that my email had been blocked as a spam source.

Pat also wrote:
"Yours seems to be Parkinsons and mine would be organ donation so we must
agree to disagree on this subject."

Not necessarily -- my world just isn't so narrow.  I'm a huge advocate for
organ donation as well -- I've spent hundreds of hours over the years
volunteering.  I'm also very active in bone marrow registries -- just within
the last couple of months, I volunteered to coordinate a drive for an older
gentleman in GA I didn't know.  I could actually go on & on about the many
health-related matters I'm actively involved in, but my point is that --
fortunately -- not everyone has a very narrow focus.  And supporting a
specific cause doesn't preclude supporting others as well.  I'm sorry you
don't seem to understand that.

Finally, Pat wrote:
"On another note, it seem to be important to you, Andrea and others that I
know what you think of me and I need to inform you that you do not know who
I am in any form. I know that and am not bothered by your judgements of me
actually for the most part I find it amusing that you think I would care
that you think you don't like me!"

I'm not sure I'm following what you mean, but I would point out, Pat, that
you choose to participate in this *interactive* community forum.  And,
because you choose to participate, you should expect responses.  If you
don't want to dialogue or debate or offer proof of your claims or be
criticized for the ad hominem attacks to which you resort, or have your
glaring inconsistencies pointed out, the answer is very simple:  don't
participate . . . or get yourself a blog  :-)

Saundra Lund
Moscow, ID

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do
- Edmund Burke

***** Original material contained herein is Copyright 2006, Saundra Lund.
Do not copy, forward, excerpt, or reproduce outside the Vision 2020 forum
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