[Vision2020] When Moscow Doubles -Transportation

Craine Kit kcraine at verizon.net
Mon May 22 12:01:21 PDT 2006

Whether the growth rate is 1% or the population doubles, Moscow is  
going to have to rethink its transportation network and how it is  
constructed. During the part of my lifetime that I can remember (as  
in the when Fairgrounds were out in the "country"), Moscow has not  
added any East-West or North-South connectivity, except for a few  
short stretches such as Quail Run and Rodeo Drive. Instead, the City  
has allowed disconnected rabbit warrens in neighborhoods.  
Improvements of arterials and connectors (except for Mountain View)  
are done piecemeal with the poor soul who owns property next to the  
right-of-way footing the bill for his/her half of the street. If  
there is no development on the abutting property, the street isn't  
improved, regardless of the need (see North Polk for a prime  
example). Addressing the issues by single-site "improvements" (such  
as the proposed 3rd Street Bridge) only shift the burden rather than  
solving the problem.

This approach does not produce a viable transportation system that  
allows all residents to go from point-A to point-B efficiently and  
safely. The only viable solution is to plan AND produce--in other  
words, the City needs to make adequate streets happen.

That means we, the taxpayers, will need to reach into our pockets and  
pay the big bucks growing the transportation network will cost. Are  
we willing and able?

Kit Craine

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