[Vision2020] [] crossing the line (and sitting on the fence)

Michael metzler at moscow.com
Fri May 19 16:12:49 PDT 2006

Mr. Farris,


I have already had to explain to you elsewhere the reasons why I turned off
my comments on Pooh's Think; I also explained the reasons why on Pooh's
Think. So I won't repeat myself here.  But please note that I was referring
to Dale Courtney's own public statement here on Vision 2020 regarding his
weakness.  I was not attempting to add much colorful interpretative
commentary to Dale's actions.






Michael saith:


When ever Dale is finished hiding behind his own Ultra-conserv blog, perhaps
he can join us on Vision 2020 again - it was after all his own moral
weakness that forced him to leave in the first place.



Doug comments:


And was it your own moral weekness that turned off the comments on your
"silly little bear" blog?





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