[Vision2020] FW: NACo Prescription Drug Card Program Upcoming Web Conference

london at moscow.com london at moscow.com
Wed May 17 17:03:50 PDT 2006



From: Andrew Goldschmidt [mailto:agoldschmidt at naco.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2006 06:24 AM
To: Abel, Mark; Ackerman, Gwenn; Adams, Ruthanne; Adams, Kathy; Addis,
Lonie; Albion, John; Alfred, Everette; Allen, Darius; Allison, Corliss;
Ambrose, Gerald; Anderson, Sharon; Anderson, Wilbur; Andre, Robert;
Archuleta, Renee; Arnold, Ginger; Arnold, Andrea; Arnold, Ruby; Artiaco,
Karen; Axberg, Thelma; Baca, Therese; Bailes, Edward; Bailey, Shirley; Ball,
Pam; Barbati, Suzanne; Barron Boyd, Gail; Barsell, Deb; Bartell, Gary;
Basalyga, Ebby; Basinger, Davis; Bauerschlag, Burke; Beard, Mary Ann;
Beaudoin, John; Behringer, Debra; Bell, Robert; Bellante, Joseph; Benham,
Peggy; Berglund, Patricia Ann; Berkman, Jeffrey; Bethell, Evelyn; Blair,
Irene; Blasdel, Dan; Blinson, Sylvia; Bloomer, Mary; Blumenstein, Susan;
Bohl, Sharon; Boland, Lisa; Bonner, Lena; Bowen, Sheri; Bowman, Margie;
Bowsky, Tazwell; Boydston, Bob; Bozentko, Deborah; Bradley, Helen; Brady,
Rachel; Brantley, Clarence; Briese, Paul; Brooke, John; Brooks, Mark; Brown,
Katie; Brown, Valerie; Brown, Ruthie; Bryant, Barry; Burns Ramsey, Concetta;
Buskerud, Ron; Byrd, Cheryl; Cain, Camille; Cameron, Pat; Caminati, Stephen;
Campbell, Richard; Carlson, Patricia; Carper, Diane; Carr, La'Quita;
Carroll, Jack; Carroll, Alfred; Carter, John; Carter, Shannon; Carter,
Jerry; Castillo, Bertha; Chappelle, Sandra; Chavez, Yolanda; Ciesielczyk,
Karen; Clark, Carol; Cochran, James; Cohen, Audrey; Coker, Ruby; Cole,
Robert; Conley, Abbie; Conley, Kimberly; Connelly, Bill; Connor, Joseph;
Contreras, Cecilia; Cook, Jim; Coolidge, Erick; Cooney, Patricia; Copley,
Cheryl; Corrado, Lisa; Corroon, Peter; Countryman, Johnny; Crane, Troy;
Craven, Beverly; Crenshaw, James; Crossley, Pat; Crowder, Harvey; Curtiss,
Jean; Dahle, Brian; Daniels, Maggie; Danner, Eva; Darnell, Emma; Davenport,
Jessica; Davis, Bruce; Davis, Benita; Dean, Wilandra; Decker, Julia; Dela
Cruz, Donovan; Delk, Oliver; DeMedici, Diane; Deromedi, Shelley; DeVore,
Steven; Diaz, Roger; Diemert, Edward; Disibbio, Karen; Dodge, Mary; Dodson,
Clement; Doll, Mark; Doll, Cynthia; Dotson, Gloria Kelly; Doucett,
Katherine; Doyle, Randy; Drake, Michelle; Duffy, John; Duplantis, Christa;
Eagle, Barb; Ebsen, Shirley; Edwards, Gary; Eggert, Don; Eldridge, Fred;
Ellis, Roger; Elwell, Bruce; Emory, Neil; Epps, Cattie; Erickson, Rita;
Escamilla, Yvonne; Espeleta, Shelly; Esworthy, Gary; Everitt, Charlene;
Ewell, Robert; Fair, R. Dale; Farmer, John; Farmer-Dumas, Sheila; Fellers,
Susan; Findley, Rick; Finnerin, Michael; Fitzgerald, Joanne; Flanagan,
Brian; Fleming, Tony; Floyd, William; Francisco, Shawn; Freeman, Sheila;
Fuquay, Shanna; Gajewski, Thomas; Galan, Jody; Galaske, Doug; Ganje, Sue;
Gardiner, Brenda; Garrard, Gail; Garton, Brenda; Gebhart, Chris; Ghan,
Larry; Gilland, Liz; Goodwin, Karen; Goss, Connie; Gray, Jan; Green, Bobby;
Greenwood, William; Greufe, Paul; Grupa, Linda; Guidry, Kevin; Gupta, Rashi;
Guthman, Dee; Hadden, C.; Hall, Gwendolyn; Hamilton, Catherine; Hammersly,
Bonnie; Hammond, Mike; Hankinson, Dave; Hansell, Bill; Harder, Kelly;
Hargrove, Bill; Harrison, Bob; Hartman, Clifford; Harville, Linda; Hatch,
Randy; Hawkins, Patricia; Hayes, Barbara; Haywood, Verdia; Hedgcoth, Gail;
Heidermann, Jan; Helmick, Rose; Hill, Patti; Hill, Steve; Hoffman, Maureen;
Holeman, Clancy; Holiway, Gary; Holt, Brenda; Honda, Keith; Hosiner, Stuart;
Hughes, Faye; Humber, Linda; Hyland, Gerry; Ibarra, Mary; Jackson, Patrick;
Jansen, David; Johnson, Judith; Johnson, Karla; Johnson, Wayne; Johnson,
Craig; Joiner, Kenneth; Jones, E. R.; Jones, Bob; Kanner, Dave; Kawaguchi,
Grant; Kelleher, Kevin; Kelley, Sherrie; Kelley, Unzell; Kellum, Terry;
Ketchum, L. L.; Ketterling, Gina; Khoury, James; Kilday, Kim; King, Diane;
Kirkpatrick, Patricia; Kisliuk, Margaret; Kniss, Elizabeth; Kohler, Gerald;
Koons, John; Kranz-Carl, Ruth; Krull, Shane; Kuhlman, Donald; Kutz, Stephen;
Lang, Joe; Laughton, Kelly; Lawley, Laura; Lazor, Olivia; Lee, Evelyn;
Lenhart, Joseph; Leonard, Linda; Lewis, Leland; Lieberman, Ilene; Lindsey,
Jeanne; Lomas, Romeo; Lowell, Peggy; Lumpkin, Adrian; Lutes, Alan; Lynchard,
Vanessa; Lyons, Ricky; Maldonado, Roberto; Malinowski, Mike; Marcinko,
Steve; Marks, Beverly; Martin, Susan; Martinez, Linda; Mathre, Heather;
Maxcy, C. Guy; McArthur, Mike; McBride, JoAnne; McCormick, Wendi; McCrady,
Ryan; McDonald, Sherri; McGinnis, Debbi; McKay, Kathy; McKay, John; McLamb,
Kim; McMahan, Brian; Mercer, Atlee; Meyer, Patti; Meyer, Linda; Meyer,
Rodney; Miller, Brenda; Miller, Chris; Mills, Stewart; Mitchell, Sheryl;
Mitchell, Randy; Modrell, Linda; Monday, James; Moore, Jeanine; Moorman,
David; Morgan, Linda; Morris, Perry; Moschea, Gary; Mosher, Charles; Mott,
Glenda; Moyers, Todd; Mullinax, Jimmy; Nardini, Fred; Nelson, Michael;
Nixon, Candie; Noe, Kathy; Noland-Smith, Jamie Marie; Obe, Diana; Oliver,
Susan; Ott, Robert; Owens, Benjamin; Pappas, Toni; Parriott, Nancy; Parris,
Shelly; Patterson, Kevin; Patton, Judy; Paul, Jack; Pearson, Cathy; Pennel,
Chuck; Peoples, David; Perez, Kathleen; Perkins, Marlene; Petersen, Susan;
Petrak, Pamela; Pettigrew, Laurie; Pisarcik, Jeffrey; Pogue, Gene; Poling,
Joyce; Pond, Paula; Portman, Gloria; Portune, Todd; Powell, Doug; Powers,
Linda; Prewitt, Dayna; Pridgen, Glenda; Probst, Charles; Putman, Jennifer;
Pyle, Lance; Rahn, Wilma; Rainey, Lester; Ray, Jennifer; Reckhow, Ellen;
Redmon, Debi; Reed, Chad; Reeves, Ruth; Reichelt, Lauren; Reser, Mary Ann;
Reynolds, Susan; Reynolds, Kim; Rhodes, Sue; Rich, Sue; Richardson, James;
Riddle, Jim; Riemann, Marsha; Ripa, Jean; Rivera, Norma; Robertson, Melinda;
Robey, Amy; Robichaud, Ken; Robinson, T. Edward; Rockstroh, Rob; Rogowsky,
Martin; Rokakis, James; Rolfe, William; Roosen, Jim; Roth, James; Ruth,
Carl; Sainz, Gloria; Salichs, Suzanne; Salinas, Rosa; Sammons, Macon;
Sander, Robert; Sanders, Cheryl; Sanks, Tony; Schoenhals, Diana; Schulz,
Alice; Schweitzer, Sherry; Scott, Ivah; Selmon, Charles; Seymore, Phyllis;
Sharp, Judith Ann; Sharpe, Robert; Shewmake, Scott; Sibbach, Gere; Sills,
Kelly; Sine, Virginia; Skare, Ralph; Smelcer, Kathy; Smith, Duane; Smith,
Ruth Ann; Smith, Janeen; Smith, Yvonne; Smith, George; Smith, Gerald; Smith,
William Lee; Smyer, Karen; Sopolosky, Lynn; Southerland, Tommy; Stetson,
Lee; Stewart, Thomas; Stewart, Frank; Stinagle, Denise; Stohs, Sonya;
Sturgill, Tim; Sudholt, Ralph; Suhr, Edna; Sultemeier, Steve; Tate, Larry;
Taylor, Lucile; Taylor, Maureen; Templeton, Elwanda; Thomas, Corey; Thomas,
Melanie; Thomas, Diane; Thomas, Sean; Thomas, Claude; Thompson, Douglas;
Thongvivong, Kelly; Tibbetts, Deborah; Tibbs, Jay; Titcomb, Brent; Reginald
Todd; Trahan, Odell; Trimble, Tom; Tuttle, Michele; Tyler, Shirley; Tyner,
Mark; Underdal, Allan; Valentine, Emily; Veaux, Charlotte; Venable, Richard;
Vetrovec, Kenneth; Vincent, Robin; Visco, Jerry; Von Ah, Patricia; Wake,
Don; Walker, Jack; Warren, Deborah; Warren, Leo; Watkins, Mario; Watson,
Ronald; Waugh, Carla; Weaver, Patricia; Webb, Harold; Weinshank, Jonathan;
Wesner, Karen; Whisenhunt, Gloria; Whitaker, Larry; White, Tom; Whitehurst,
John; Whitten, Pat; Whittle, Karen; Whitworth, Eddie; Widner, Sharon;
Wilder, Altheria; Will, Beth; Williams, Susan; Williams, Myrna; Wilson,
Shelly; Wilson, Kimberly; Windley, Kenneth; Winfield, Paul; Witte, Rick;
Wolf, Terrence; Wolff, Nelson; Wolfley, T. Deb; Wood, Cecil; Wood, Skip;
Wooters, Ed; Wright, Thomas; Wyatt, Jerome; Yakouchi, Miki; Young, Carol;
Zacharias, Hannes; Zentz, John; Ziegler, Debbie
Subject: NACo Prescription Drug Card Program Upcoming Web Conference

NACo is planning a Web Conference on the Prescription Drug Discount Card
Program that will be held on Thursday, June 22 at 2 p.m. EDT. The conference
will use Microsoft's Live Meeting format to communicate information about
the program to county officials across the country. This system combines a
phone conference call and images and information provided through the
Internet and will be able to be accessed by anyone, anywhere, with a
computer, internet connection and a phone line.

Stay tuned to the NACo web site at  <file://www.naco.org> www.naco.org and
NACo's County News Publication for more information. 

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