[Vision2020] When good men do nothing...

Sunil Ramalingam sunilramalingam at hotmail.com
Thu May 11 14:38:15 PDT 2006

Why did we go there, Dick?  Why are we still there?  And what about Bush's 
statements about the inspectors?


>From: "rvrcowboy" <rvrcowboy at clearwire.net>
>To: "Vision2020" <vision2020 at moscow.com>
>Subject: [Vision2020] When good men do nothing...
>Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 13:48:44 -0700
>Neatly tucked at the end of every Saundra Lund tirade is this quote by 
>Edmund Burke:
>"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good people to do 
>- Edmund Burke
>I think the Kurds, along with many others, in Iraq would agree 
>wholeheartedly with this statement.  If we pull out now and go back to 
>doing "nothing" evil will once again openly triumph in Iraq.  Don't you 
>think so Saundra?
>Dick S.

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