[Vision2020] Thompson rezone

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Tue May 2 08:19:13 PDT 2006

"Opponents outnumber supporters 2-1 at Council  hearing.
      Deliberation and decision set for next Council  meeting 5/15."
  Who cares if the majority is opposed or against a Super Wal-Mart? Does  something being in the majority of opinion make it the correct one?  Does the majority have the right to tell people what religion to  practice, what to wear or where to buy it? Majority doesn't even mean  you are elected President. It sure as hell should not determine where a  person can shop. 
  The idea that a Wal-Mart will some how increase consumption of water by people in Moscow is deeply flawed thinking. 

Mark Solomon <msolomon at moscow.com> wrote:    Thompson rezone  Opponents outnumber supporters 2-1 at Council  hearing.
  Deliberation and decision set for next Council  meeting 5/15.

  After  four hours of testimony on the rezone request to accommodate 77-acres  of big box development including a proposed Walmart Supercenter, the  City Council closed the public hearing and set 5/15 for their  deliberations and decision. Thirty-two people, including several  prominent Moscow business people, spoke in opposition to the rezone as  the hour approached midnight. Fifteen people, including the landowner,  the realtor, several of her real estate associates and local Walmart  employees spoke in support. The Moscow Chamber of Commerce offered only  general testimony, speaking neither in favor or opposition to the  rezone.

  NoSuperWalmart presented expert  studies on Retail Demand and Traffic to the Council. The Palouse Water  Conservation Network presented an analysis of "unfunded water  liability". You may see these reports (soon) on the Documents page at  http://www.nosuperwalmart.com


  Mark Solomon
 List services made available by First Step Internet, 
 serving the communities of the Palouse since 1994.   
          mailto:Vision2020 at moscow.com

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