[Vision2020] Executing Gays in Iraq

nickgier at adelphia.net nickgier at adelphia.net
Fri Mar 24 11:40:40 PST 2006

The New Republic, March 23, 2006

We've known for quite some time that Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's hardline regime has been harassing, jailing, and executing gay men in Iran. Now there is evidence that these practices have been exported to Iraq through the Badr Corps death squads. Journalist Doug Ireland has spoken to gay men both in and outside of Iraq who believe "the Badr Corps is receiving advice from Iran on how to target gay people." Ali Hili, a gay Iraqi exile living in London, said that "murders of gays have become an almost daily occurrence" in Iraq.

    Hili provided details on several of those killed in Iraq. Ammar, a young gay man of 27, was abducted and shot in back of the head in Baghdad by suspected Badr militias in January 2006. Haydar Faiek, aged 40, a transsexual Iraqi, was beaten and burned to death by Badr militias in the main street in the Al-Karada district of Baghdad in September 2005. Naffeh, aged 45, disappeared in August 2005. His family was informed that he was kidnapped by the Badr organization. His body was found in January 2006. He, too, had been subjected to an execution-style killing.

It is not completely shocking to hear that gay men are being targeted for execution in Iraq. But what about the U.S. response? Iraqi gays who have appealed to U.S. authorities for help have been "met with indifference and derision," Ireland reports. One gay Iraqi who is hiding five gay men in his home said that when he has approached American officials they have "laughed" and have refused to provide support. There really is only one way that the United States would reverse course: If a considerable amount of pressure were to be drummed up from within the United States. But if the reactions of U.S. gay and lesbian groups to Iran's gay executions are any indication, there isn't much reason for hope.

--Rob Anderson

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