[Vision2020] Deacon, You're So Cute!!! :)

The Scimitar thescimitar13 at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 12 09:56:58 PDT 2006

Corbin, Good post, but you're talking to Doug Wilson's toadies, and puppets don't think for themselves.  Being an adolescent is really encouraged at Christ Church,
contrary to what they'd have you believe, they want to keep them adolescents so
as to maintain dependence on their elders for an inordinate amount of time, but
get them married young and have children so they think they're grown up (have
to grind out those little kirkers, gotta take over the world).  So much for Classical
(and supposedly Christian) education in these instances.  Most married men have serious obligations and time constraints (like concentrating on providing well
 for their families and protecting them from pedophiles) and what little leisure they
 have would be spent with their wives and children, but forever adolescence is
 praised in these circles and constantly circling the wagons around pastors and
 their ilk takes time.  I'm sure this is what Scripture meant when it states
 "Redeem the time."  Such ones try to give the impression light, airy and carefree
 and just good old clean fun loving guys, but there is something, nonetheless,
 dark, hollow, shallow about them.  Perhaps it's spending too much time with the 
fallible Calvin, etc., instead of the infallible Scripture.  This is what comes from
doing what Doug wants instead of what God wants.

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