[Vision2020] One final thing

Terry Morin terrencemorin at earthlink.net
Fri Jun 9 10:41:14 PDT 2006


Steven Sitler committed his crimes within a circle as broad as Idaho,
Washington, and Virginia. Michael, Andrea, and their four children lived
within that circle, and they were members of your church during the period
in question. You assured Michael in a June 5 email, ³There were several
documented occasions last year where the church was informed about Sitler,²
leaving the clear impression that the men of Christ Church left the HOH
meetings knowing the name and identity of Steven Sitler, having heard an
account of his crimes, and having received instruction from you as to how
best shepherd their families through this tragedy. Perhaps Michael didn¹t
attend the meetings (I don't know), but other men present at those meetings
and known to me have no recollection of hearing about ³Steven Sitler² or
³serial pedophile.² Given this credibility gap, your recent statement that,
in the event of another such predatory spree "I would seek to do the same
thing again" is not reassuring.
Terry and Linda Morin
1232 Tamarack Drive
Moscow, ID  83843

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