DonaldH675 at aol.com DonaldH675 at aol.com
Wed Jun 7 10:43:13 PDT 2006

I deeply regret and apologize to all readers of V2020, Doug Wilson, Christ  
Church members and their families,  and the civil authorities that I  omitted 
to include the word NO evidence in the  sentence :"There is absolutely evidence 
to believe that once identified as  a child molester Mr. Sitler was allowed 
to continue his behavior unchecked by  either civil or spiritual authorities."  
It is a typo of the most grievous  kind.  I reiterate there is no evidence 
that anyone  knew that this conduct was going on or that there was any attempt 
to allow it to  continue once it was found out.
Rose  Huskey

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight  you, then 
you win." Mahatma Gandhi
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