[Vision2020] Fw: Hate Speech on your forum

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Sat Jun 3 05:59:23 PDT 2006

Could it be?

By golly, this has signs of (as Chas reflected) "thoughtful debate".

Thank you for toning down.

This debate should be most informative.

Carry on.

Looking forward to more . . .

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho

Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.

- Author Unknown

-----Original Message-----

From: vision2020-bounces at moscow.com [mailto:vision2020-bounces at moscow.com]
On Behalf Of rvrcowboy
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 10:32 PM
To: Vision2020; Chasuk
Subject: Re: [Vision2020] Fw: Hate Speech on your forum


I have not filed any message or complaint with any authority.  I confess,
this was done for some shock value to you.  I have been accused of trying to
stir hate speech on this forum several times because of questions I asked in
earnest when I frist came on.  Now I am merely pointing out to you, that as
a Christian, I consider Mr. Slater's comments to be hateful toward
Christians and innaccurate in many different ways.  For one thing, Mr.
Slater lumps true Christians together with obvious hate groups.

In the near future, I will answer you post from Mr. Slater, here in the
forum.  I just wanted you to know how such a speech makes a Christian person
feel.  I know you posted this piece to stir debate and I thought you should
be rewarded.

As promised, I will answer Mr. Slater's hateful diatribe soon.  By that, I
mean within a couple of weeks.  You may not agree with my answer but it will
be from me, not some alleged intelluctual I copied something from.

Until such time as it takes to prepare my rebuttal to this lie about the
supposed big hoax you have posted here, I will have little time to be on the
forum.  This will not hurt the feelings of most of the people here anyway so
it is no big deal.

I could say much more but for the time being, I prefer to do the research
and write the rebuttal.  There are lies in Mr. Slaters' commentary that can
only serve to created an atmosphere of hatred between opposing views.  I
believe that is why he wrote it and also partly why you posted it to this

The shock is over, the work begins.  Talk to you in a couple of weeks.

Until then,

Dick S.

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