[Vision2020] The Auntie Establishment and Brother Carl Show (July 23, 2006)

Tom Hansen thansen at moscow.com
Sun Jul 23 16:59:45 PDT 2006

Greetings Visionaires -

This week's Auntie Establishment and Brother Carl Show began as a mellow
dialogue concerning the Palouse's current heat wave and Maureen Dowd's
commentaries on George Bush. The show deliberately evolved into an explosive
crescendo including discussions on such topics as the Israeli/Lebanese
conflict, the recent debate between Keely Mix and Doug Wilson regarding
Christ Church and the community of Moscow, Doug Wilson's recent harassment
complaint implicating four local citizens, a hysterical recorded evaluation
of the movie "Brokeback Mountain", and a humorously "updated" version of
George Bush's resume'.  Auntie closed out her portion of the show with an
excellent, must-hear reading of a commentary by Dr. Robin Meyers of
Mayflower Church.

Note to Auntie:  Thanks, as always, for your continued tributes to those
service men and women who gave their final full measure in combat operations
in Iraq.  

In case you were unable to tune in to today's show, you may download and
listen to it from:


There are two song dedications this week.

The first song dedication goes to Doug Wilson, the Unpastor of Christ
Church, for continued unsubstantiated allegations and accusations against
local citizens for actions that have yet to be proven even happened, as
reflected in a recent police complaint:


The malicious harassment illustrated by Doug Wilson does not provide a warm,
caring sense of community normally associated with Christianity.  It merely
serves to promote . . .

"Sympathy for the Devil"

"But what's confusing you
Is just the nature of my game
Just as every cop is a criminal
And all the sinners saints
As heads is tails
Just call me lucifer
cause Im in need of some restraint"

The second song dedication goes out to those "Intoleristas" and local
citizens who, in spite of suffering continued unsubstantiated and vindictive
assertions, maintain their steadfast and non-yielding belief in, and fight
for, Moscow's "silver lining"; Don and Rose Huskey, Saundra Lund, Keely Mix,
Lois Blackburn, Joan Opyr, Melynda Huskey, Nick Gier, Bill London, Debi
Robinson-Smith, Kit Craine, Tim Rigsby, Carl Westberg, and Jackie Woolf to
name just a few.  To these fine people, I have one thing to say . . .

"Thank You for Being a Friend"

"Thank you for being a friend
Traveled down a road and back again
Your heart is true, you're a pal and a confidant

I'm not ashamed to say 
I hope it always will stay this way 
My hat is off, won't you stand up and take a bow

And if you threw a party 
Invited everyone you knew
You would see the biggest gift would be from me
And the card attached would say 
Thank you for being a friend."

And, finally, my own tribute to the current summer heat wave . . .

"Hot Fun in the Summertime"

Seeya round town, Moscow.

Tom Hansen
Moscow, Idaho


"A bad cause will ever be supported by bad means and bad men." 

- Thomas Paine (English Writer, 1737-1809)


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