[Vision2020] Moscow City Council Monday Agendas

Stephanie Kalasz skalasz at ci.moscow.id.us
Fri Jul 7 16:25:41 PDT 2006




Monday, July 10, 2006
3:00 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, 2nd Floor

1.      Approval of Minutes of June 26, 2006 - Stephanie Kalasz


2.      Disbursement Report for June 2006 - Don Palmer


3.      Receipt of Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation on
Boarding House Ordinance Amendments - Joel Plaskon

On June 28, 2006, the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval
of an Ordinance to amend Zoning Code definitions of bed and breakfast
inn, boarding house, family and single family dwelling.  The Local Land
Use Planning Act requires that the Council "receive" the Commission
recommendation prior to publication of the Council hearing notice.
Staff proposes an August 7, 2006 Council hearing (the earliest date
available) on this matter, as per the attached draft hearing notice.


ACTION:  Receive recommendation or take such other action deemed


4.      Contract with Welch-Comer Engineers - Dave Klatt

Staff has been negotiating a scope of work and cost for services with
Welch-Comer Engineers to do engineering on the "A" Street design.  The
agreement does not include geotechnical and cultural investigations but
does include all other aspects of project development.  The "A" Street
project design and construction is supported by federal funding and is
scheduled for 2008 construction.  The project limits are to begin east
of Peterson Drive and extend to Home Street, including Line Street.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the contract; or take such other action
deemed appropriate.


5.      Whitcom Agreement Renewal - Gary J. Riedner

In 2004, the City Council entered into an agreement with WhitCom (the
combined Whitman County dispatch center) to provide emergency dispatch
services for the period from June 1, 2004 through May 31, 2007.  WhitCom
provides complete emergency dispatch services, including Phase II
cellular E-911 (which includes physical location of emergency calls
placed on cellular phones) and VOIP (voice over IP protocol). The
consideration paid by the City of Moscow for these services is a
$377,000 annual fee through the contracted period. There is currently no
contractual adjustment for inflation. The current agreement contains a
renewal clause which allows renewal for up to two (2) one-year
extensions.  The WhitCom Executive Board has proposed an increase to
$410,000 annual fee for the six month period from June 1, 2007 through
December 31, 2007, then $420,250 annual fee for the period from January
1, 2008 through December 31, 2008 and $430,506 annual fee for the period
January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009.


ACTION:  Recommend renewal of agreement for emergency dispatch services
with WhitCom or direct staff to take such other action deemed


6.      ITD Invitation to Comment on Highway 95 Routes - Mayor Nancy



Future Agenda Items

Cost of Development - Calculating True Cost of Development (Impact Fee



NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so
that arrangements may be made.







Monday, July 10, 2006
4:30 p.m.


206 East 3rd Street, Second Floor

1.      Approval of Minutes of June 26, 2006 - Stephanie Kalasz  


2.      Receipt of Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendation on
Boarding House Ordinance Amendments - Joel Plaskon

On June 28, 2006, the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended approval
of an Ordinance to amend Zoning Code definitions of bed and breakfast
inn, boarding house, family and single family dwelling.  The Local Land
Use Planning Act requires that the Council "receive" the Commission
recommendation prior to publication of the Council hearing notice.
Staff proposes an August 7, 2006 Council hearing (the earliest date
available) on this matter, as per the attached draft hearing notice.


ACTION:  Receive recommendation or take such other action deemed


3.      Mutual Aid Agreement with Neighboring Communities - Don Strong

This is an updated mutual aid agreement with fire departments that
surround Moscow.  It allows all surrounding entities to be on one mutual
aid agreement and to keep it current.  The mutual aid is for fire and
hazmat and specifies parameters of aid, command and allocation of cost.
The agreements are based on the ability of the requested department to
respond and do not obligate a response.  This is the first mutual aid
agreement for some of the neighboring Washington districts and
departments being included on the agreement as well.  This Agreement
assists the Department in improving fire ratings and obtaining grants.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of Mutual Aid Agreement or take such other
action deemed appropriate.


4.      Moscow Police Department Reception Volunteer Program - David

The Police Department is seeking community volunteers to assist at our
front lobby reception area during regular business hours.  Staff is
recommending the use of "Volunteers in Police Service" or "VIPS" to help
support our day to day interaction with the visitors to our Department.
These volunteers will aid in office duties such as making referrals,
answering phones and file management.  A job description is attached
which outlines duties, qualifications and hours.  Staff has also created
a program policy and Citizen Volunteer Agreement to clarify the goal of
this program.


ACTION:  Recommend approval of the VIPS program or take such other
action deemed appropriate.


5.      Park Name Recommendation for Wren Property - Dwight Curtis

Staff, on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Commission is requesting
approval of "Wren Welcome Garden" as the official park name of the City
owned 0.2 acre botanical area located on the northwest corner of the Hwy
95 / Hwy 8 intersection.  The Moscow Downtown Merchants were invited to
submit name proposals. Among the 8 proposals submitted, the name "Wren
Welcome Garden" was selected by the Parks and Recreation Commission as
their first choice for the park name. Note: The proposed name is a
hybrid of two separate names submitted by businesses. 


ACTION:  Recommend approval of "Wren Welcome Garden" as the official
park name of the City owned botanical area located on the northwest
corner of the Hwy 95/Hwy 8 intersection; or recommend a different name;
or take such other action as deemed appropriate.


6.      Revised Personnel Policies - Leslie Moss

Pursuant to Mayor and Council direction, all "At Will" language or
language that could be construed as "At Will" would be removed from the
City's Personnel Policies.  The affected policies have been identified
and reviewed by Council President, Linda Pall, Leslie Moss, Human
Resources Director and Randy Fife, City Attorney.  The recommended
changes were reviewed and approved by the Employee Advisory Committee at
a special meeting on Thursday, July 6, 2006.


      ACTION:  Recommend approval of the Personnel Policy changes or
take such other action deemed appropriate.


7.      Zoning Code Amendment to Require Private Sidewalks - Joel

The Transportation Commission has recommended to the Planning and Zoning
Commission that the Zoning Code be amended to require sidewalks for
developments that have long driveways and no other safe pedestrian
passage from the public street to the development.  The Commission
accepted that recommendation.  The Administrative Committee reviewed a
draft ordinance regarding this matter on May 22, 2006 and decided to
take no action and review it again, without any other direction to
staff, at their June 12, 2006 meeting.  The Administrative Committee had
questions about the matter being combined with other proposed Zoning
Code amendments and indicated a desire for the matters to be considered
in separated ordinance proposals.


ACTION:  Review draft Ordinance and direct Staff as deemed appropriate.


8.      Zoning Code Amendment to Limit R-3 Zone to 1 Single Family
Dwelling or Duplex per Lot - Joel Plaskon

Staff has identified an inconsistency in the Zoning Code wherein more
than one single family dwelling is not allowed per lot in the R-1 and
R-2 Zoning Districts, however the R-3 Zoning District does not specify
that only one single family or duplex dwelling is allowed per lot.  The
one dwelling or duplex per lot specification would create consistency in
zoning districts and reduce possibility of unintended impacts to R-1,
R-2 and R-3 neighborhoods.  The Administrative Committee reviewed a
draft ordinance regarding this matter on May 22, 2006 and decided to
take no action and review it again, without any other direction to
staff, at their June 12, 2006 meeting.  The Administrative Committee had
questions about the matter being combined with other proposed Zoning
Code amendments and indicated a desire for the matters to be separated
in to separate ordinance proposals.


ACTION:  Review draft Ordinance and direct staff as deemed appropriate.


9.      Zoning Code Amendment to Increase Setbacks for Garages - Joel

The Transportation Commission recommended to the Planning and Zoning
Commission that the Zoning Code be amended to require sidewalks for
developments that have long driveways and no other safe pedestrian
passage from the public street to the development.  The Commission
accepted the recommendation as presented in item 7 above.  Additionally
and for similar public safety reasons as the aforementioned matter,
staff recommends amendments to require increased setbacks for garages on
street side yards.  The increased garage setback would minimize the
tendency for cars to be parked in the driveway in a manner that
obstructs the public sidewalk.  The Administrative Committee reviewed a
draft ordinance regarding this matter on May 22, 2006 and decided to
take no action and review it again.  At their June 12, 2006 meeting, the
Administrative Committee had questions about the matter being combined
with other proposed Zoning Code amendments and indicated a desire for
the matters to be separated in to separate ordinance proposals.


ACTION:  Review draft Ordinance and direct Staff as deemed appropriate.


10. Discussion of Future Agenda Items - Gary J. Riedner



Future Agenda Items

Salvaging at Landfill Discussion - Gary J. Riedner

Bicycle Advisory Commission Ordinance - Randy Fife

Sister Cities Discussion - Linda Pall



NOTICE:  Individuals attending the meeting who require special
assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,
please contact the City Clerk, at (208) 883-7015, as soon as possible so
that arrangements may be made.



Stephanie Kalasz

Moscow City Clerk


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