[Vision2020] Signs, signals, and whatnot (was: D Street and Mountain View)

Art Deco deco at moscow.com
Sat Jan 28 08:58:50 PST 2006

MessageTom, Dan, Jackie, Moscow City Council,

I walk through the intersection of D Street and Mountain View Road several times a year generally in the early morning when students are accessing the area.  Besides the Junior High School students, young, easily distractible students going to and from MacDonald Elementary School also cross there.

My observations lead me to the opinion that:

1.    Intelligent traffic signals are desperately need there and not like the stupid signals at 6th and Washington that require pedestrians (without a discernable reason) to push a button every time they wish to cross.

2.    Once signals are installed, diligent enforcement is needed.

3.    Currently, some people drive at quite excessive speeds on Mountain View.  Perhaps, the MPD could be persuaded to do some enforcement activity now.

When dealing with safety problems at intersections used by young people who do not always pay attention, slowing down, stopping, and/or driving very cautiously is a small price in time and effort to pay to avoid inflicting harm and stress, and to show consideration to others.

Thank you to Tom, Dan, Jackie, and others whose actions and questions hopefully will bring about intelligent action on this issue and perhaps avoid a great tragedy.

Art Deco (Wayne A. Fox)
deco at moscow.com

----- Original Message ----- 
From: AreaMan (DanC) 
To: vision2020 at moscow.com 
Sent: Friday, January 27, 2006 5:16 PM
Subject: [Vision2020] Signs, signals,and whatnot (was: D Street and Mountain View)

Tom Ivie and Vizzz peeps,

If the members of the Vizzz could come up with a list of intersections where we (the public) think there ought to be different methods of traffic control, I could get it on the agenda of the Transportation Commission (where a representative of ITD attends) and present it.  This is probably the first, best step in getting things changed.

Members can respond to this thread, or to me at areaman at moscow.com, and I'll put it on a spreadsheet to get it organized.

This has been discussed in the past, and maybe it'll just take a list of (perceived) critical intersections to get the ball rolling.  Of course it all depends on the availability of the jingle -- personally, I'd like to see 6th street get resurfaced and the sidewalks finished for the length of Mountain View -- but with a list in hand, the Public Works department will have a tool, and maybe be able to find some grant money to get more done quicker.

Wanna help, Tom?

Your pal,



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