[Vision2020] Divisiveness and blogs

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 27 20:55:19 PST 2006

  Coeur d'Alene tried what you are suggesting, impact fees. They lost in courts to my recollection.
  A couple of important points to make here.
  Wal-Mart has ALREADY filed for use of the space. We cannot change the  rules AFTER they have already applied, just like a landlord cannot  change their requirements after the lease has been signed. 
  There are things we can do and should do. However, trying to put time  and money into making Wal-Mart pay because the people who pay for the  roads decide to go down Troy Highway instead of 3rd St. is just not a  fight worth fighting in opinion.
 I believe other things are  more worthy of fighting for, such as maybe trying to get Wal-Mart to  create a green store and using the least amount of space as possible  for what they want to build.

Tom Ivie <the_ivies3 at yahoo.com> wrote:  Oh  yes, I forgot about Mt. View and Hwy 8!  If the Wal-mart is indeed  built where it is proposed, what impact will that have on the  pedestrian/bicycle users of the path that goes across Mt. View on the  South side of Hwy 8.  Furthermore, would it be appropriate to  require Wal-mart to foot the bill for any amelioration of the path  there?  or for lighting of the path along their property?   Any thoughts?

"AreaMan (DanC)" <areaman at moscow.com> wrote:  Joe says:

"With new technology, we can SEE conflict and divisiveness more than
ever before. But that doesn't mean that there was less of it prior to
the technology."

YES!! YES!! YES!!!11one1!!

As a matter of fact, I would venture to say there is far less
divisiveness (dang, there's a lot of 'i's in there) than is perceived,
and the perce!   ption is   caused by the plethora of technology. It amazes
me how "divisive" we can get over a piddly issue like the pledge, when
in all actuality purt near everyone on the Vizzz has stood up to say it
when it was being said (okay, maybe not Chas). 

I'm pretty sure we can all agree that SOMETHING needs to be done at the
intersection of D and Mountain View. I'm not sure a 4-way stop is the
answer -- I've heard of studies where they cause MORE accidents, but
you'd have to talk to Les MacDonald about it to be sure -- but I'd love
to see a light there (and at Mt. View/White Ave, Mt. View/Hwy 8, just to
name a couple more). Maybe a roundabout is the answer . . .

Back to divisiveness: Even though Joe and I may not necessarily agree
on which brew is best down at Ye Olde Ale Haus, we probably agree that
beer is proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy (apologies to
Ben   Franklin)


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