[Vision2020] Signs, signals, and whatnot (was: D Street and Mountain View)

AreaMan (DanC) areaman at moscow.com
Fri Jan 27 17:16:40 PST 2006

Tom Ivie and Vizzz peeps,
If the members of the Vizzz could come up with a list of intersections
where we (the public) think there ought to be different methods of
traffic control, I could get it on the agenda of the Transportation
Commission (where a representative of ITD attends) and present it.  This
is probably the first, best step in getting things changed.
Members can respond to this thread, or to me at areaman at moscow.com, and
I'll put it on a spreadsheet to get it organized.
This has been discussed in the past, and maybe it'll just take a list of
(perceived) critical intersections to get the ball rolling.  Of course
it all depends on the availability of the jingle -- personally, I'd like
to see 6th street get resurfaced and the sidewalks finished for the
length of Mountain View -- but with a list in hand, the Public Works
department will have a tool, and maybe be able to find some grant money
to get more done quicker.
Wanna help, Tom?
Your pal,
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