[Vision2020] Cabin Fever -- get ready!!!

Janesta Carcich janestacarcich at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 25 13:30:12 PST 2006

Hi... *smile*

I made a quilt to raffle off at the Picnic. It is made
with 6-inch denim squares on one side, and heavy-duty
plaid flannel on the other. It is a perfect size for
the trunk of a car for picnics, keeping those using it
dry, from often damp Idaho ground. The quilt will also
fit a twin bed nicely.

How much should the tickets be?  Where do you think
the funds should go? Options I thought of; put in the
bank for the party next year, donate to the Food Bank,
or ATVP? What thoughts do each of you have?

If we saved the money for next year, then we will have
a nest egg for next year
 for coffee, dessert contest
prize (yes, there will be a dessert contest!), rent of
facility, whatever. As this will be the first of MANY
fun Cabin Fever Picnics, this year, everything has
been donated.

I request that we not get into a BIG argument about
where the money will go... That will take all the fun
out of it! *warm smile* Civil discussion is welcomed!

Should we have the raffle at all?

To not bruise feelings, please send your final vote
privately to me.

*cheerful smile*

Yes, you MUST be there to win!

I look forward to hearing from all of you! *lapis eyes
squinted... peering into the darkness of ether* YES!!!
That means ALL of you that lurk!!! *laughing softly*

Thank you!


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