[Vision2020] what the Bible really teaches (was Douglas Wilson on
Joan Opyr
joanopyr at earthlink.net
Mon Jan 16 23:01:44 PST 2006
On 14 Jan 2006, at 23:05, keely emerinemix wrote:
> If we take Jesus at his word and follow his example, we'll see that
> sexism in the church is even worse than sexism outside of it, because
> it purports to have the stamp of approval of the One who proclaimed
> through Paul that "there is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor
> free, neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
> (Gal. 3:28) Christ came to reverse the effects of the Fall, not to
> make sure that its more odious manifestations continue in robust
> display. I'm sure many Kirk women disagree with me, and that's fine.
> But freedom in Christ can never be diminished by the men around us,
> and those men who attempt to curtail the abundant life of women in
> Christ will have much to answer for.
Keely is again spot on. According to Genesis 3:16, "To the woman, He
said, 'I will greatly increase your pangs in childbearing, in pain you
shall bring forth children, yet your desire shall be for your husband,
and he will rule over you.'" Woman's submission to man is a punishment
for Original Sin. What it is not is the divine ideal (Eden), and it is
not a Biblical reflection of biological determinism. To answer
Michael's observation re: Doug's pilot parable, I would suggest that
biological determinism is not a road any Christian theologian really
wants to travel. How does the praying mantis fit into the divine
order? After mating, the male makes a lovely dinner for the female --
husband a la mode. And among arachnids? Devouring hubby is not
uncommon. Drones serve no purpose beyond mating; when they're done,
their wings fall off and they die. In prides of lions, flocks of
chickens, herds of deer -- only one male is required. I have ten happy
hens and two roosters. The thing is, I don't need two roosters, so
guess who's coming to dinner? Foghorn Leghorn.
Further, if the natural world reflects God's will, then how does
Michael (or, for that matter, Doug) explain the more than 300 species
that engage in homosexual behavior? From penguins to dolphins to
bonobo monkeys, homosexual behavior is quite common. In nature,
homosexual behavior is good, clean fun. Brokeback Mountain? Try
Brokeback Zoo.
[This might sound odd coming from a lesbian, but I don't think human
males are superfluous to requirements. I like men; I have many, many
male friends with whom I enjoy spending time -- time free of any silly
flirtations, sexual tension, or wifely jealousy. It's great! I do
believe that I like men, genuinely like them, better than do many
straight married women. Men are good fun, and I've found that they're
usually willing to lend you their truck or their chain-saw or their
snow-blower. Yay men! And yay butch lesbians!]
To argue that women are biologically (or Biblically) unfit for certain
jobs like fighter pilot -- well, nonsense. Sexual dimorphism has very
little meaning in a modern technological society. No man, I don't care
how big or macho he is, has ever been a match hand-to-paw for a polar
bear, a tiger, or even a determined Doberman. Why is humankind on top
of the food chain? Because we're smart; because we're big-brained tool
users, male and female alike. To limit just over half of your
population to kinder, kirke, kuche simply because they are born female
(and because you are a misogynist) is not only a waste, it's an
Joan Opyr/Auntie Establishment
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