[Vision2020] Re: why pick on Doug Wilson?

g. crabtree jampot at adelphia.net
Wed Jan 4 19:54:46 PST 2006

And this should send me into spasms of glibbering pants wetting why? Many bits of prose are generated every day some I agree with, some I don't. As to the vows you speak of, the only people I've heard that from is you and your commandos. Frankly, I'm OK with it. I have walked past NSA and Anselm house on many occasions and I lived to tell the tale. (parked by 'em too)

g. crabtree
  From: Bill London 
  To: g. crabtree ; Michael ; vision2020 at moscow.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 11:06 AM
  Subject: why pick on Doug Wilson?

  Why pick on Doug Wilson and CC?

  How about these two questions in response:
  who wrote that booklet, "Slavery As it was." ?
  who has vowed to take over Moscow, remaking the downtown into a village based on New St. Andrews?


    ----- Original Message ----- 
    From: g. crabtree 
    To: Michael ; vision2020 at moscow.com 
    Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2006 6:53 AM
    Subject: Re: [Vision2020] comb-overs

    Mr. Metzler, I am not sure that I would call what I do "routing for the underdog." To me it is more a matter of pointing out hysteria and hypocrisy. To me all Christian religions look similar in the basics, and the number of angels pin dancing is irrelevant. To single out Mr. Wilson for special attention is to me puzzling. If the Fox, Hudsen, Huskey, Opyr, Mix, Lund, & Wolff etc. clan want to get their knickers in a kink over a tax exempt group who don't want to march in their diversity parade why not attack the big boys? I think that if these folks would put away their wagging fingers and clucking tongues they would find most of these ogres as easy to get along with as anyone else. Not everyone is up for their agenda any more than CC's. I am sorry if you find this perplexing.

    g. crabtree

      ----- Original Message ----- 
      From: Michael 
      To: vision2020 at moscow.com 
      Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2006 10:12 PM
      Subject: [Vision2020] comb-overs

      Crabtree Wrote:

      Mr. Fox, Please school me as to how the CCC is " a grave threat to civil liberties." It would seem to me that their teachings are little different from other conservative denominations that come to mind and I don't think that they really have the clout of the LDS or the Roman Catholics. I would desperately like to know how this totalitarian nightmare that scares you so is going to be brought about.



      I'm assuming CCC has something to do with my church?  (what's the third 'C' for?) ..oh, I think I get it.


      On this particular score, Wilson himself would not agree that "their teachings are little different from other conservative denominations."  In fact, in some ways, and at some times, he has been fairly emphatic about this (and I'm not even sure he would mind my pointing this out).  And I'm not suggesting that Wilson would agree that he poses a totalitarian nightmare either, but perhaps both sides of this particular issue could get better informed. I'm all for routing for the underdog crabtree, but sometimes you perplex me (and sometimes I'm not sure who the underdog is). 


      And I'm sorry Dale that I had to post under a heading that has to do with your hair-I've never noticed this before.  Well, maybe I'm not really that sorry; all in good fun.  


      Michael Metzler


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