[Vision2020] e-mail as records

Heather Jordan hayfields at moscow.com
Wed Jan 4 20:45:48 PST 2006

Thanks Mike Curly for sharing info about public records law- a subject 
near and dear to my heart!   
Now an interesting twist on this "A. Lurker" is that the ip address 
reveals he is emailing from the UI but not using UI email system.  So 
while it is a public record on the City side (because it was sent to the 
individual in their capacity as a public agent) it is not a public record 
on the UI side, because he/she is not discussing UI business, nor using a 
UI email server. But wait... it seems he is expressing a political 
opinion.  The executive order signed by the Governor of Idaho, allows the 
use of state owned computers occasionally for personal purposes, with a 
few exceptions- one of them being that you are supposed to use your own 
name and not for political purposes.  So in that case looks like A. 
Lurker needs to send his message from home, not the office computer even 
if it is through a non UI server.  

Heather Jordan

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