[Vision2020] Supporting the Supporting

J Ford privatejf32 at hotmail.com
Sun Feb 12 18:11:38 PST 2006


"For the life of me, I don't understand how the liberals can defend someone 
making unauthorized endorsements on behalf of their employers -- even if 
they agree with the cause. But they are coming out of the woodwork like 
termites to defend Swanson's right to make such unauthorized endorsements."

Ok, so what part of "BJ used her title at AmericanWest bank to sign the 
petition, but it wasn’t intentional,” AmericanWest attorney Blair Reynolds 
said. “She signed the petition on behalf of the bank as an INDIVIDUAL 
EMPLOYEE OF AMERICANWEST." does he not get!?

In other words, she probably signed the petition and put her title under her 
signature, much like any business person may do out of habit.  Not like, say 
- oh, I don't know - having an 18yr old sign a petition more than once and 
then presenting it to the City Council as legit business owners?  Or 
mis-representing what a petition is REALLY supporting (NSA) and presenting 
THAT to City Council?

J  :]

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