[Vision2020] More Jim

Chasuk chasuk at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 20:35:20 PST 2006

On 2/2/06, Phil Nisbet <pcnisbet1 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> If I or Pat Kraut or Jeff Harkin or Roger Falen or G Crabtree posted
> political opinion pieces by Rush Limbaugh and then asked somebody on the
> left why they did not agree with the 'facts' we were presenting, the
> response would logically be for you to laugh your butt off.  Its opinion,
> not facts that pundits tend to spin.

I am decidedly on the left.  However, if I were being presented an
argument whose author was Rush Limbaugh, I assure you that I could
objectively weigh the argument on its own merits.  Arguments must
stand on their own.  It would be easy to resort to ridicule or ad
hominem attacks, but it is also intellectually dishonest.  As much as
I generally dislike the politics of Rush Limbaugh, there is always the
possibility that he may be right, and I can't fairly judge that if I
have dismissed the argument beforehand because of prejudice I hold
against the author.

You are far too intelligent to employ such lazy logical fallacies.  It
disrespects us, it disrespects yourself, and it stymies earnest

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