[Vision2020] chamber of commerce listings - bad businesses?

Pennsylvania Place penn_place_boise at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 30 14:15:57 PDT 2006

J Ford brings up a good point about the chamber business directory - she is specifically attacking Doug F, who I know nothing about, and care even less. But it is notable that Moscow Chamber is proud to list slumlords like Palouse Properties, who rob, steal and abuse college students as a matter of course.
  Are the Moscow Chamber listings actually meaningful, or are they just collection of businesses that think working in a college town means screwing over the young and ignorant as much as possible in 4 or 5 years? 
  I do see some respectable businesses on the list, but having Palouse Properties on that list is like having Pat Boone on a list of great rock 'n' rollers. 
  Palouse Properties screws over its tenants and builds piece-of-crap eyesore cheap junk apartments all over Moscow while letting their older properties fall apart. And this is a quality Moscow business, eh?

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