[Vision2020] True remarks on KUOI broadcast

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 28 15:01:05 PDT 2006

 If these animals are humanely slaughtered, assuming  there is such a thing, then why not give the members of V2020 a  detailed description of how the cattle and animals on Alderspring Ranch  are killed?
 Tell, me Bill, are the tails of the cows that  give milk and used to make cheese chopped off making them more  susceptible to disease and illness?
  Are the layer chickens that give you your eggs confined to a small area?
  How are the broiler chickens killed?
  Are the cattle at Mission Valley of Montana forced to eat in lot feeds,  the article in your paper says they are? Look yourself,
   Is your paper lying, or are you  treating these animals cruelly? Which is it?
  I am fairly certain Mr. London, you will find, if you do some research  that while the Co-Op does it less than most, it still buys from  producers that abuse and slaughter animals, especially if you use the  definitions of PETA, which is what we were discussing on KUOI.   The animals are slaughtered, they don't die of natural causes. Nor are  they given pain killers before being killed.  
 So show  me where I am wrong Bill, your own paper testifies to what I am  saying.If this is wrong, give us a video clip of how pigs meet their  death before being served up to the people of the Moscow?
  Also, maybe you can answer this question, why does the Co-OP charge 3 x  as much for something as everyone else in Moscow, even when it is the  exact same product?
  You wrote:
  "Shoppers  who purchase meat at the Moscow Food Co-op can be assured that the  utmost care has been taken to ensure that the meat has been carefully  and humanely grown."
  Meat is grown? Like potatoes? That is new to me. 
  Tell the Co-Op you don't want fedlot cattle. This is the same method  used by factory farms. It is unclean and inhumane to the animals.

Bill London <london at moscow.com> wrote:              During Tim  Lohrmann's KUOI interview show with Megan Prusynski on  Sunday, a caller (later identified as Donovan Arnold) said that the  Moscow Food Co-op sold meat that had been inhumanely raised.
  That is absolutely false.
  The  Moscow Food Co-op is extremely diligent in checking the sources of the  meat sold there.  Every source is documented.  Scott Jaklin  (meat manager) has files of reports and affidavits for verification, if  anyone wants to see them.
  Shoppers  who purchase meat at the Moscow Food Co-op can be assured that the  utmost care has been taken to ensure that the meat has been carefully  and humanely grown.
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