[Vision2020] Moscow Transit [was Inconvenient Truth]

Sunil Ramalingam sunilramalingam at hotmail.com
Thu Aug 24 14:43:13 PDT 2006

Thanks Tom, for your response to Vision2020.  I'm somewhat embarassed I 
didn't know about the existing connections between Wheatland Express and 
Valley Transit.  It's typical of the work Valley Transit is trying to do up 
on the Palouse, though, in making public transportation as accessible as 
possible to as many people as possible.  That's not my back I'm patting, 
it's yours, though I'll stop if you want me to.

I am looking forward to using the service between Moscow and Lewiston, 
perhaps for next Tuesday's meeting?


>From: "Tom La Pointe" <tjlapointe at turbonet.com>
>To: "'Sunil Ramalingam'" <sunilramalingam at hotmail.com>
><vision2020 at moscow.com>,<valleytransit at lewiston.com>,<vtcompliance at lewiston.com>
>Subject: RE: Moscow Transit [was Inconvenient Truth]
>Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2006 14:35:49 -0700
>Hi, Sunil:
>Thanks for the opportunity to comment.
>Valley Transit has experienced nothing short of explosive growth on its
>Moscow fixed routes since they started over 2 years ago.  We still have a
>long way to go and can always make improvements, however.  So any
>constructive criticism is very welcome.  And as Mr. Campbell has so aptly
>stated, our services do connect with Wheatland at the SUB.
>We at Valley Transit believe our buses are clean, odor free, convenient, 
>comfortable.  As for speed, we obey all posted speed limits, but do stop to
>load and unload passengers.  Again, if you have any constructive criticism
>in this regard, please telephone the office (883-7747).
>Recently, Valley Transit spent over $1,000 with the local paper to include
>our Moscow fixed route schedules in their "Back to School" Issue insert.  I
>have appeared on Eric Martin's KRPF radio show, and am always open to speak
>before groups such as the local Lions Club (which I did about 6 weeks ago).
>Also of note, the last Argonaut issue in May featured a full page, back of 
>section ad advertising Moscow Valley Transit's thanks to the UI for its
>financial support.  Go Vandals!
>Now that the Valley Transit inter-city run between Moscow and Lewiston has
>started, there is yet another local transit option for the people of our
>Please telephone my office (Moscow local phone number is 883-7747) if you
>have any questions or need any further information.
>Best Regards,
>Tom La Pointe
>Executive Director
>Regional Public Transportation, Inc.
>d/b/a Valley Transit & Moscow Valley Transit

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