[Vision2020] alternative routes

Donovan Arnold donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 3 21:54:57 PDT 2006

"I took issue with what would be increased traffic right next door to  me. It was a valid concern, as traffic has increased."--Dan Carscallen
  So your original complaint to the City is NOW not all the disabled children getting  access to a daycare, but the TRAFFIC of  15 kids being picked up and dropped off? So much a complaint that you  went down to the BOA meeting to launch a complaint with another  neighbor about it and tried to stop it, (even prepared a speech) not  caring about weather the disabled children had another location  available to them. Too many disabled kids doubling your traffic "RUSH 1  minute" as you say, Dan? 
 Yet you are barking at me for  complaining about having to turn my 1.5 mile trips to 3 mile trips,  which nearly doubles my gas bill which is hard on a guy living below  the poverty line? How ironic Dan. The world does really revolve around  you.
 Look Dan, here comes another political horse, better get  on it because another election is coming soon. If you lose AGAIN, get  together with Wayne Fox and WHINE about it being a big government  conspiracy that rigged the ballots by not lining up the butterfly  ballots to the right name, I will even throw in a new box of color  crayons so Wayne can write his conspiracy on paper with as much life  and color as his emails. 
  Your Favorite Pig,

Dan Carscallen <areaman at moscow.com> wrote:  Donovan says:
".  .  . others, such as yourself, like to complain about disabled
children moving in next door to you and lowering your property value as
you testified to the City Council and tried to get them barred from our

I'm not sure I want to go down this road, because when you wrestle with
a pig, you both just get dirty, and it just makes the pig happy, but
let's get a few things straight so the Vizzz peeps know what went down:

1) It wasn't the City Council, it was the Board of Adjustment. 

2)I had no issue with property values, I took issue with what would be
increased traffic right next door to me.  It was a valid concern, as
traffic has increased.  The house was being rented by a decent bunch of
college students at the time (finally!), but now there are several
people making several trips a day, and employees not exactly following
the parking conditions.  Pretty minor, but I can live with it.

3) After they CUP was granted, I figured "fine, I'll live with it."  I
had my say, and the Board of Adjustment went the other way.  I was a
little disappointed at what I saw as some "sore winners" cheering the
decision.  Not exactly cool, in my opinion.  But no matter, I was going
to live with it.

4) Since the CUP was issued to make a daycare out of the house, the
renters got kicked out.  We thought that was okay, since we wouldn't
have to listen to any more parties late at night.  Then we found out we
were wrong.  Somehow, in a blatant violation of the CUP, there were all
the sudden four new renters in that house, raising hell and wreaking
havoc on the toys and such that are there for the kids.  It seemed VERY
inappropriate for 4 college age renters to be living in a house that was
being used as a daycare.  I brought this up with the Community
Development dept, but they were completely bogged down with every other
complaint in town.  I thank them, though, for at least acknowledging my
concerns.  The renters were supposed to be out in January, but they did
not leave until school let out.  Again, I lived with it.

5) Now, it seems that ownership of the house has changed hands, and
things seem to be settling into a groove.  Traffic is still more than
I'd like, but tolerable, and some of the parking conditions are still
not being met, but we'll hash all that out when they go in for the
renewal of their CUP.  

Sorry for being long-winded, but I just couldn't let this go without
defending myself to some extent.  Besides, I did wrestle in high school,
so I think I can take a pig.  Of course, none of this is near as
dramatic and inflammatory as saying "Dan Carscallen hates the disabled".

By the way, I think I'm going to take my chances and walk downtown to
the farmer's market this weekend,


P.S.  Donovan, I'm not referring to you as a pig.  I'm using what is
called a colloquialism.  Or maybe it's a metaphor.  I'll have to look it

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