[Vision2020] Playfield
Donovan Arnold
donovanjarnold2005 at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 5 12:02:25 PDT 2006
So how much are these seven fields costing us to build and up keep? Nobody knows and nobody cares? How we going to water them? Remember we ain't got no water so grandma cannot garden in the summer daylight hours, but now we got enough for 7 more giant fields? Wow, that was a quick fix, what happened?
I cannot wait to visit the Arboretum. I go there for the shouting and noise, don't you?
Maybe next we can build a sewer treatment plant upwind from a row of restaurants.
Area Man <areaman at moscow.com> wrote: Donovan "I *ALWAYS* see the Silver Lining" Arnold asks:
"And how much are these 7 playfields that we can only use four months
out the year going to cost?
What are the kids going to do the other 8 months out of the year?"
Lets see, the kids of whom you speak have been scrambling for time on
the playfields we currently have since the middle of March. I know,
because I've seen 'em over here on the baseball diamond at the
fairgrounds, and Olyear field has been seeing pretty serious use as
well. I also know Ghormley and Bear Field have had their share of use.
I can't speak for Mountain View Park or any others, as I haven't walked
by them of late.
So, since the kids only use these fields 4 months out of the year, that
means the fields won't have a single soul on them after mid-July.
I guess all them kids'll be fishin' or sumpin'. Not sure where they
play football or soccer in the fall, since they evidently can't use any
ballfields . . .
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